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About the Library

This guide covers policies, procedures and directions for the UT Southwestern Health Sciences Digital Library and Learning Center

Off-Campus Access

Most of the UT Southwestern Health Sciences Digital Library & Learning Center’s electronic resources (e.g., journals, databases) are available for use off-campus by faculty, staff, students, residents, and fellows of UT Southwestern Medical Center and employees of UT Southwestern University Hospitals. Your status at UT Southwestern and your location will determine which access method is required or recommended. Please select your location below for specific location-based information.

Having a problem logging in remotely (i.e., EZ Proxy, Citrix Workspace, VPN...)?

  • Try resetting your UT Southwestern password first. You can reset your UT Southwestern password using the Information Resources (IR) Password Reset page.
  • For help with your Parknet username and password, contact the Parkland help desk at 214-590-5999.

I am located at Parkland Health and Hospital System (PHHS).

Do you have a UT Southwestern username and password?

  • If "yes", use your UT Southwestern username and password to login to EZProxy.
  • If "no" and you are a PHHS resident, use your Parknet username and password to login to EZProxy. (PHHS residents only.)

I am located at Children's Medical Center.

Do you have a UT Southwestern username and password?

  • If "yes", use your UT Southwestern username and password to login to EZProxy. If login fails, try resetting your UT Southwestern password. Contact Campus Information Resources (IR) at 214-648-7600 if you need further assistance. If you are doing extensive research from off campus, the Library highly recommends using UTSW IR supported Citrix Workspace to download Library content and avoid this inconvenience.
  • If "no" and you are a PHHS resident, use your Parknet username and password to login to EZProxy. (PHHS residents only.)

I am located at home or somewhere else off-campus.

Do you have a UT Southwestern username and password?

  • If "yes", you can use your UT Southwestern username and password to login to EZProxy.
  • If "no" and you are a PHHS resident, use your Parknet username and password to login to EZProxy. (PHHS residents only.)

I am not affiliated with UT Southwestern Medical Center.

Databases and electronic resources are not available off campus to those not affiliated with UT Southwestern. However, if you fit one of the categories below, you may use the Library Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) system to order ejournal articles or ebook pages.

  • Parkland Health and Hospital System
  • Children's Health Dallas Staff
  • Local Health Care Professional

I need help with EZProxy.

  • EZProxy is a convenient web-based platform to access Library resources (e.g., ejournals, databases) quickly and remotely, particularly from Children's and Parkland hospitals. However, it does have download restrictions required by our content vendors that will lock you out of accessing ebooks and full text after a 10GB limit is reached collectively in the browser session. If doing extensive research from off campus, the Library highly recommends using UTSW IR supported Citrix Workspace to download Library content and avoid this inconvenience.

How do I log in to EZProxy?

  • When accessing resources through the Library’s web site or “Find It” icon in databases like PubMed, you will be prompted to log in to EZProxy.
  • Enter your UT Southwestern or Parknet username and password.
  • Your session will remain open until you close the browser window.

I need help with Off Campus Access.

There are a variety of options to connect remotely. Please contact 214-648-7600 or consult MyUTSW’s Information Resources Remote Access (On-campus or VPN only) page for the best option for your scenario.

Unable to access Library resources while using GlobalProtect VPN?

GlobalProtect VPN is administered by a third party vendor that assigns randomly selected IP addresses created by that vendor that are not always within our Campus IP range that our Library vendors use. If you encounter this issue, the workaround is to disconnect from GlobalProtect VPN and connect to resources via EZProxy.