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Grants and Awards Presented to Staff
- 2017 NN/LM SCR Technology Enhancement Award
"Exploring the future of medical modeling with a Stereolithography (SLA) 3D printer to expand our current and future medical anatomy and device prototype printing"
Jane Scott and Desmond Ho
Stereolithography (SLA) technology is an important 3D technology for medicine because of its accuracy and print capabilities. Anatomy modeling and device prototyping pose some challenges to clients currently using our Lulzbot Taz 5 Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D printer. While the existing printer has been a wonderful learning and teaching tool, we wish to expand our outreach to the Health Professions Recruitment and Exposure Program (HPREP) with a more precise technology that provides for usage and exploration in our Digital Media Production Studio. This device will meet the needs of clients who have not been able to achieve precise anatomy prototyping and success with flexible filaments. Client interest in this technology is high and we feel this model would be a great asset for our Library and campus community.
- 2017 NN/LM SCR Data Science Professional Development Award
Desmond Ho - Open Data Science Conference-West attendance
- 2017 NN/LM SCR Professional Development Award
Cathy Miller (CA) - Annual Society of Southwest Archivists Conference attendance
- 2017 UT Southwestern Nurse Excellence of the Year - Friend of Nursing Award
Cathy Nakashima
- 2016 NN/LM SCR Professional Development Award
Joy Russell - Systematic Review Workshop: The Nuts and Bolts for Librarians at the University of Pittsburgh attendance
- 2015 NN/LM SCR Technology Enhancement Award>
"3D Printing as a Medical Education and Research Problem Solution"
Kelly Gonzalez and Jane Scott
The addition of a 3D printer to the 24/7 Digital Media Studio in the Health Science Digital Library and Learning center would facilitate needs for the School of Health Professions in terms of Prosthetics and Orthotics, Clinical Nutrition, and Physical Therapy integument issues, clinical needs from bench to bedside, and in support of Health Professions Recruitments and Exposure Program (HPREP) which involves meeting with parents and students of minority and underrepresented high school students to give them a glimpse of education and career opportunities in health care professions as well as the Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP) to identify, support and encourage highly qualified, economically disadvantaged students who desire to pursue a medical education, and final the Science Teacher to Resources at Southwestern (STARS) program as an outreach opportunity to improve the quality of science education in North Central Texas by making UT Southwestern Medical Center's vast educational resources available to middle and high school science teachers.
- Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) TexTreasures Award
"University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas — Texas Physicians, 1905-1966: Enriching the Biographical Database"
Cameron Kainerstorfer, Proposal Writer/Program Manager
Through this award, UT Southwestern Library is enriching and extending its Texas Physicians Biographical Database. This includes adding more location information, linking to other online material, and adding digitized material contributed by others into a statewide, subject-specific repository. The database contains information on over 10,000 Texas physicians practicing from 1870-1966.
- 2011 - 2012 Health Information Needs Assessment Award
"Dallas Community Partners Survey"
John Fullinwider, Principal Investigator
Project staff will conduct in-person interviews with a variety of organizations from the Dallas County Health and Human Services Public Health Advisory Committee. The goal of the assessment will be to identify potential collaborative initiatives in public health, health literacy, health access, and health promotion and to form partnerships with the library for specific health information projects.
- 2011 - 2012 Award
"Health Literacy Outreach to Nurses, Librarians, CBOs, and the Public"
This project will include instruction on NLM databases to three major groups: (1) healthcare professionals who provide care to indigent, minority, underserved, or rural populations, including school nurses; (2) public librarians, in Dallas and northeast Texas rural areas; and (3) the general public, including lay health promoters and members of community based organizations. Classes will be conducted on PubMed, MedlinePlus, Genetics Home Reference and AIDSinfo.
- 2010 - 2011 Award
"Health Literacy Outreach to Nurses, Librarians et al in Dallas Area "
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas will provide instruction on NLM databases to three major groups: (1) healthcare professionals who provide care to indigent, minority, underserved, or rural populations, including school nurses; (2) public librarians, in Dallas and northeast Texas rural areas; and (3) the general public, including lay health promoters, pastors, and church members involved in community health.
- 2010 - 2011 Express Award
"Outreach and Promotion of MedlinePlus to High School Students and their Families in Dallas, TX "
This project will promote MedlinePlus as a valuable resource to high school students and their families for information on health topics (in particular, obesity, diabetes and heart disease) and health professions through exhibits at various health fairs targeting these population groups. In addition to demonstrations in the use of MedlinePlus, print materials will be developed as handouts for distribution at these events in both English and Spanish..
- 2010 - 2011 NN/LM SCR Historical Preservation and Digitization Award
"Dallas Medical History, 1890-1975: A Digital Collection"
Matthew Zimmerman, Principal Investigator
The goals of this project include enhancing availability of information about Dallas’ medical history, improving public awareness of historical resources available online and preserving original images. This project will create a digital repository for over 500 images illustrating the history of medicine in Dallas. A web exhibit featuring high interest images will also be created.
- 2009 -2010 Regional Symposium Award
"Action on Health Disparities, Global and Local."
John Fullinwider, Principal Investigator
The symposium "Action on Health Disparities: Global and Local" will bring together students, consumers, practitioners and scholars in dialogue about effective strategies to address health care disparities and serve medically underserved populations locally and internationally. This conference will challenge the university and Dallas community to do more work and more effective work, on the problem of health disparities. Each day of the 2-day symposium will have mornings devoted to local issues and afternoons devoted to international issues.
- 2009 - 2010 Award
"Health Literacy Outreach in the Dallas Area"
This project targets three major groups: (1) healthcare professionals who provide care to indigent, minority, underserved, or rural populations, (2) the general public, including public librarians and senior citizens and (3) students interested in health related professions. Classes will be taught on searching via PubMed, including locating evidence based medicine and locating consumer health information in English and Spanish using MedlinePlus and other selected NLM databases.
- 2007 - 2008 Outreach Award
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Library will provide training on PubMed, MedlinePlus and other government health information websites to various groups. Family practice residents will receive training on locating evidence-based resources via PubMed. Nurses and allied health professionals will receive training on PubMed, including the use of the MeSH database. Classes on MedlinePlus, Genetics Home Reference and other government health websites will be provided to public libraries in Collin, Dallas and Denton counties. Students enrolled in the Joint Admission Medical Program will be introduced to a variety of NLM databases to give them the basic information proficiency skills that will assist them in their pre-med studies. Finally, project staff will provide training on MedlinePlus and NIH Senionr Health to a variety of community based organizations including the Red Roses Red Hat Society, the American Association of University Women and the Boy Scouts of America.
- Honorable Mention: Research Paper
SCC Annual Meeting 2006 (College Station, Texas)
"Citation Analysis in Ute Deichmann's 'Biologists under Hitler' "
Brian Bunnett
- President's Award 2005-6
Presented by the Health Sciences Librarians of Illinois (HSLI)
Mary Ann Huslig
- 2005 Librarian of the Year
Presented by HealthLINE (The Dallas/Fort Worth Association of Medical Librarians)
Brian Bunnett
- SCC 3rd place Research Award (poster)
SCC/MLA Annual Meeting 2003 (Shreveport, Louisiana)
"To Banner or Not to Banner? User Research on a Web Marketing Tool"
Sharon Giles, Helen Mayo , Herldine Radley, Therona Ramos, Joseph Tan
- SCC 2nd place Research Award
SCC/MLA Annual Meeting 2002 (San Antonio, Texas)
"Systematic Training for Patient Support Groups"
Margaret Anderson and Will Olmstadt
- SCC 2nd place Research Award (poster)
SCC/MLA Annual Meeting 2002 (San Antonio, Texas)
"Gathering Customer Input Prior to Home Page Redesign: An Ontological Study"
Katherine Alexander, Karen R. Harker, Mori Lou Higa, Shelley McKibbon, Helen Mayo, and Laura Wilder
- Special Commendation 2000: SCC Research Award (poster)
SCC/MLA Annual Meeting 2000 (El Paso, Texas)
"Emailing the New Books List: A Promotional Success?"
Sharon Giles and Shelley McKibbon
- MLA Best New Researcher Paper Award
MLA Annual Meeting 2000 (Vancouver, BC)
"Comparing Credentialing Processes Across Professional Associations: A Benchmarking Study"
Shelley A. McKibbon and Martha C. Adamson
- Texas Treasures Grant
March 1, 1999 - February 29, 2000
"Texas Physicians, 1905-1966: A Biographical Database"
Helen Mayo, Principal Investigator
UT Southwestern Library's History of the Health Sciences Collection includes a card file of approximately 10,500 citations to biographical information about Texas physicians. The vast majority of the citations refers to obituaries and death notices from the Texas State Journal of Medicine from 1905-1966. These death notices were not indexed in Index Medicus, making the card file a unique and valuable resource for establishing the year in which a physician died.
At the present time, historical researchers and genealogists must either travel to Dallas to browse the card file or call the Library with a specific physician's name. The Library owns a run of Texas State Journal of Medicine for the years indexed by the card file and fills interlibrary loan requests from that journal.
Project Goal: UT Southwestern Library proposes to enter the citations from the card file into a searchable database which will be available via the internet using a World Wide Web browser.
- Special Commendation 1999: SCC Research Award
SCC/MLA Annual Meeting 1999 (Norman, Oklahoma)
"Getting the News Out: Promoting the Library With an Email Alert Service"
Sharon Giles and Gary Clopton
- South Central Academic Medical Libraries (SCAMeL) Consortium Grant
June 1998 - January 1999
"Designing a Customer Service Survey Instrument for Use in Academic Medical Libraries"
Mitch Walters, Principal Investigator
- TexShare Access to Local Holdings Program Grant
June 1998 - February 1999
- SCC Research Award
SCC/MLA Annual Meeting 1998 (Fort Worth, Texas)
"Designing a Customer Service Survey Instrument for Use in Academic Medical Libraries"
Mitchel Walters, Brenda Berkins, Jon Crossno, Nancy Gotcher and Judith Hill
- SCC Research Special Commendation Award
SCC/MLA Annual Meeting 1998 (Fort Worth, Texas)
"A Comparison of the Characteristics of the Most-linked and Least-linked Academic Medical Library Web Sites"
Karen R. Harker and Judith Hill
- Honorable Mention: Research Paper
MLA Annual Meeting 1997 (Seattle, Washington)
"Using Qualitative Research Methods to Elicit Client Feedback"
Laura Wilder and Mitch Walters
- SCC Research Award
SCC/MLA Annual Meeting 1997 (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
"Measuring the Quality of Service in Document Delivery"
Kathryn Connell, Mitch Walters, Nancy Gotcher, Lucy Vasquez and Eric Zeidler
- Best Research Poster
MLA Annual Meeting 1996 (Kansas City, Missouri)
"Solving Problems Through Research: A Document Delivery Case Study"
Kathryn Connell, Mitch Walters, Heather Perkins, Mike Paxton and Jeff Perkins