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About the Library

This guide covers policies, procedures and directions for the UT Southwestern Health Sciences Digital Library and Learning Center

Library Mission, Vision, & Goals

Library Mission

Advance health care discovery and innovation through service and partnerships.

Library Vision

The UT Southwestern community pursues extensive collaborative partnerships with the Library to add value to health care, education, research, and community service.

The foundation of library value to the UT Southwestern community is service:

  1. Expert library staff partner with clients to discover and apply information for clinical, health care, educational, and research purposes in an evolving information environment.
  2. The Library is integrated into the campus virtual environment.
  3. Preservation, access, and sharing of data are integral to the latest investigational techniques for advancing scholarly output and clinical success; these data services are facilitated by the Library.
  4. Library services and products are continuously evaluated and modified based upon measurable outcomes.

The UT Southwestern community recognizes the Library as an important partner:

  1. The Library is a vital partner in the total UT Southwestern learning experience, emphasizing critical thinking, problem solving, and quality health information.
  2. Faculty, staff, and students work with library staff on a regular basis in UTSW centers of health care, education, research, and community service.  The quality service provided by knowledgeable library staff enhances the research process for partners at their point of need.
  3. Library partnerships effectively utilize new technologies and new models of education and scholarly communication.
  4. Through library outreach to local communities, citizens acquire quality, timely information from UT Southwestern research and medical breakthroughs, resulting in an increase in the overall level of their health.
  5. The Library’s leadership and staff affirm a belonging, equitable, and supportive campus culture through our commitment to fulfilling the spirit of community and equal opportunity within the University community.  

Library Goals

  1. The Library provides or facilitates support for the entire research cycle.
  2. The Library uses data analytics and customer relationship management tools to provide actionable business intelligence. This intelligence is used to refine products and services and to more effectively market library offerings.
  3. Preservation of and physical access to UT Southwestern’s historical records, artifacts, and collections are operationalized, comprehensive, and a recognized part of the campus workflow.
  4. The Library promotes and supports new and developing technologies that enhance biomedical communication and scholarship on campus.
  5. Provide resources and services for UT Southwestern's new School of Public Health.
  6. Maintain a high level of library service during the COVID-19 pandemic.

View UT Southwestern Library Organization Chart.

View FY24 Library Advisory Committee.

View FY24 Archives Committee.

Last Revised: September 19, 2023
Last Reviewed: September 19, 2023