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Using Media (Images, Video, Audio)

This guide includes UT Southwestern licensed resources and web sites and that provide access to information in traditional presentation formats: audio, images, and video.

In this section, the UT Southwestern Health Sciences Library and Digital Learning Center (Library) has summarized the usage rights of select licensed resources based on available information. As the Library cannot confirm the 100% accuracy on the usage rights, it is recommended that you use the provided information as a starting point. Review the resource's usage and copyright policies under “About Us,” “Frequently Asked Question,” “Terms and Conditions,” “Terms of Use,” “Copyright” or “Contact Us” before downloading the media.

For more information, see Electronic Resources - Responsible Use.


VisualDx is an image-based differential diagnosis tool that is designed to help quickly identify diseases or conditions at the point of care. It includes more than 25,000 medical images and over 1,300 pediatric and adult conditions.

Presentations to Internal UT Southwestern Audiences

Authorized users at UT Southwestern (faculty, residents, fellows, staff, students) may copy or link to VisualDx Images and illustrations for clinical or educational use presented within UT Southwestern, which includes:

  • Consulting with individual colleagues
  • Patient education
  • Lectures or other teaching material

When using an image from VisualDx, the copyright watermark notice must remain intact and must include the source reference, which is provided as follows:

Image source: VisualDx (

Presentations to External Audiences (i.e., Outside of UT Southwestern)

Written permission is required when images are to be used outside of UT Southwestern for any lectures (in-person or virtual), conferences (in-person or virtual), and publications.

Written permission for use can be requested by emailing Heidi Halton, Image Collection Manager, at When requesting permission to use images, VisualDx will need to know how the images will be used and which images will be used.

When using an image from VisualDx, the copyright watermark notice must remain intact. The image can be referenced either with the image ID number (visible upon rollover when the image is in full-view mode) or by copying and pasting the link to the image (each image has a distinct url when in the full-view mode).

Basic citation information for VisualDx text includes: Author(s), Title, Resource (i.e., VisualDx), Access Date, url. While the citation appearance will vary based on the selected style, here is an example (using the AMA Style) for citing text from "DRESS (Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome)":

Song P, Burgin S. Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome. VisualDx. Accessed September 23, 2022.