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Systematic Reviews and Other Evidence Synthesis Types Guide

Systematic Reviews and Other Evidence Synthesis Types Guide

Scoping Review

Scoping review – provides a preliminary assessment of the potential size and scope of available research literature. It can identify either specific or general opportunities for further research.

Guidelines and Best Practices

  • Munn, Z., Pollock, D., Khalil, H., Alexander, L., McLnerney, P., Godfrey, C. M., Peters, M., & Tricco, A. C. (2022). What are scoping reviews? Providing a formal definition of scoping reviews as a type of evidence synthesis. JBI Evid Synth, 20(4), 950-952.
  • Pawliuk, C., Brown, H. L., Widger, K., Dewan, T., Hermansen, A. M., Grégoire, M. C., Steele, R., & Siden, H. H. (2021). Optimising the process for conducting scoping reviews. BMJ Evid Based Med, 26(6), 312.
  • Peters, M. D. J., Godfrey, C., McInerney, P., Khalil, H., Larsen, P., Marnie, C., Pollock, D., Tricco, A. C., & Munn, Z. (2022). Best practice guidance and reporting items for the development of scoping review protocols. JBI Evid Synth, 20(4), 953-968.
  • Peters, M. D. J., Marnie, C., Tricco, A. C., Pollock, D., Munn, Z., Alexander, L., McInerney, P., Godfrey, C. M., & Khalil, H. (2021). Updated methodological guidance for the conduct of scoping reviews. JBI Evid Implement, 19(1), 3-10.
  • Tricco, A. C., Lillie, E., Zarin, W., O'Brien, K. K., Colquhoun, H., Levac, D., Moher, D., Peters, M. D. J., Horsley, T., Weeks, L., Hempel, S., Akl, E. A., Chang, C., McGowan, J., Stewart, L., Hartling, L., Aldcroft, A., Wilson, M. G., Garritty, C., Lewin, S., Godfrey, C. M., Macdonald, M. T., Langlois, E. V., Soares-Weiser, K., Moriarty, J., Clifford, T., Tunçalp, Ö., & Straus, S. E. (2018). PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR): Checklist and explanation. Annals of Internal Medicine, 169(7), 467-473.

Reporting Guidelines

Protocol Guidelines

Protocol Registration