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Poster & Presentation Support Guide: Templates & Campus Logos

UT Southwestern Campus Logos

MyUTSW Brand Standards provides general campus logos (on-campus/VPN required) for usage on white and dark backgrounds. You may also want to check with your department/Center for Service line logos (i.e. Department, School, Center, etc...). 

For print posters, I would suggest downloading the EPS files. Although it may show up fuzzy on PowerPoint screen, as a vector file, it prints beautifully.

For screen presentations, download the PNG file. It is smaller and will show clearly for presentations, unlike the EPS file. The PNG file can also work for posters. 

The Campus Seal is reserved for President Office-specific purposes and is not available for academic posters. Some departments may have templates created with this Campus Seal made prior to the branding standards.

Other logos like Parkland or Children's Health for collaborative works will require an affiliate obtaining them from the institution's own intranet branding page.


For PowerPoint presentations, please refer to the MyUTSW Brand Standards PowerPoint Templates section (on-campus access only) for various slide options.