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COVID-19 Library Guide

The purpose of this guide is to provide resources related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). NOTE: This Guide supplements but does not supersede the COVID-19 information provided by the UT Southwestern Emergency Operations Center.


This is the COVID-19 Funding Opportunities Archive from May 2020 to July 2021. This is intended for historical purposes and not actively maintained. Opportunities are sorted by government and non-government funding institutions.

Refer to the COVID-19 Funding Opportunities page for current search strategies.

Government Funding Sources

For more information about the U.S. Department of Education's COVID-19 resources and updates, go to COVID-19 ("Coronavirus") Information and Resources for Schools and School Personnel

 United States Department of Education (ED) 

Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE - HEERF)

Section 314(a)(2); Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA) for Institutions of Higher Education that Meet the Criteria for the Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) Program Assistance Listing No. 84.425L

Total Funding:


7/12/2021 Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.


 United States Department of Education (ED) 

Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE)

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund-IHE/Institution

Not specified

1/5/2021 Not specified
Department of Education ED-GRANTS-042120-004 - Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Not specified 9/30/2020 Not specified
Department of Education ED-GRANTS-043020-003-Secondary Education: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund-Minority Serving Institutions CFDA Number 84.425L Not specified 8/1/2020 Not specified
Department of Education ED-GRANTS-041020-003 - Office of Postsecondary Education: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund - IHEs Not specified 8/1/2020 Not specified
Department of Education ED-GRANTS-043020-004 - Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund-Strengthening Institutions Program Not specified 8/1/2020 Not specified
Department of Education ED-GRANTS-043020-005 - Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund-FIPSE  Not specified 8/1/2020 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

National Institute of Standards and Technology 2020-NIST-MFGUSA-NEAP-01 - NIST Manufacturing USA National Emergency Assistance Program Not specified Not specified Not specified
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.

For a comprehensive list of all COVID-19 related NIH notices, alerts, and opportunities, use Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Information for NIH Applicants and Recipients of NIH Funding

National Institutes of Health PAR-20-256 - Limited Competition Emergency Awards: Shared Personal Protective Equipment Resources for COVID-19 Related Vaccine and Treatment Clinical Trials and Clinical Studies (S10 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) $25,000,000 7/7/2021 Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NINDS, ORIP, NIMHD, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIAMS, NIEHS, NCATS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI NOT-OD-20-129 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Individuals with Down Syndrome for the INCLUDE Project Not specified 7/13/2021 Not specified
NIH, NIA, NEI, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMH, NIMHD, OBSSR, ORWH PAR-21-213 - NIH - Emergency Award: Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research on COVID-19 Consortium (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 6/9/2021, 10/8/2021, and 11/9/2021 Not specified
NIH NOT-AI-21-064 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Antiviral Drug Discovery (AViDD) Centers for Pathogens of Pandemic Concern (U19 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) $200,000,000 10/15/2021 8
National Institutes of Health PA-18-935 - Urgent Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Urgent Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 1/25/2022 Not specified
NIH, NIDA, NIMH, NLM, NIDCR, OBSSR, NIMHD, NIEHS, NIAAA, NINR, NCI, NIAID, NIBIB, NIAMS, NHLBI PAR-20-238 - Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2023 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

OD - NIH NOT-OD-21-026: Extended Guidance for Applicants Preparing Applications During the COVID-19 Pandemic  not specified not specified not specified

NOT-OD-21-065 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Research Opportunity Announcement for RADx-UP Return to School Diagnostic Testing Approaches (OT2 Clinical Trial Required) (2/18/2021)

Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIH NOT-OD-21-038 - Updated Instructions on Interim Reporting and Carryover for RADx-UP Recipients Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIH NOT-OD-21-029 - NIH Implementation of the Revised Federal-wide Research Terms and Conditions (11/18/2020) Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIH NOT-OD-21-026 - Extended Guidance for Applicants Preparing Applications During the COVID-19 Pandemic Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIH Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Repurposing Existing Therapeutics to Address the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) (10/26/2020) Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIH NOT-OD-20-162 - Request for Information (RFI): Inviting Comments and Suggestions on University-Based Approaches for COVID-19 Surveillance Testing to Review the Current Landscape Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIH NOT-OD-20-157 - Notice to Clarify and Correct Eligibility in Notices of Special Interest under the Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics Underserved Populations (RADx-UP) Program Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIH NOT-OD-20-122 - Guidance for Applicants Preparing Applications for the Fall 2020 Due Dates During the COVID-19 Pandemic Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIH NOT-OD-20-144 - Notice of Intent to Publish Funding Opportunity Announcements for the RADx-rad Initiative Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIH NOT-OD-20-138 - Notice of Correction to NOT-OD-20-119, NOT-OD-20-120, NOT-OD-20-121 Eligibility Section Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIH NOT-OD-20-141 -Notice of Correction to NOT-OD-20-120 Eligibility Section for Budget Request Information Not specified Not specified Not specified
NCI - NIH NOT-CA-20-077 - Request for Proposals (RFP) Solicitation S20-119: Serological Sciences Network Capacity Building Centers Not specified Not specified 4-8 Anticipated
NIH NOT-OD-20-140 - Notice of Corrections to RFA-OD-20-013 "Emergency Awards: RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Optional)" Budget and Review Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIH NOT-OD-20-082 - NIH LATE APPLICATION POLICY Due to Public Health Emergency for United States for 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIH NOT-OD-20-083 - General Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Proposal Submission and Award Management Related to COVID-19 Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIH NOT-OD-20-086 - Flexibilities Available to Applicants and Recipients of Federal Financial Assistance Affected by COVID-19 Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIH NOT-OD-20-088 - Flexibilities for Assured Institutions for Activities of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUCs) Due to COVID-19 Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIH NOT-OD-20-091 - UPDATE: NIH Late Application Policy Due to Public Health Emergency for United States for 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIH NOT-OD-20-105 - NIH Late Application Policy for Institutional Training Grants to PA-20-142 and PA-20-162 Due to Public Health Emergency for United States Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIH NOT-OD-20-118 - Guide Notice of Information Highlighting Harmonization and Data Sharing Expectations for Supplement and Revision Projects Addressing Social, Behavioral, Economic and Health Impacts of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIH NOT-OD-20-123 - Special Exception to the NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH Post-Submission Material Policy During the COVID-19 Pandemic"> Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIDCR - NIH NOT-DE-20-028 - Notice of Technical Assistance Webinar: NIDCR Research Training Opportunities Not specified Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

OD-NIH NOT-OD-21-125: Notice of Correction to NOT-OD-21-103, "Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (Emergency Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional)  not specified 5/24/2021 not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH, NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH, NIA, OBSSR, ORWH RFA-AG-21-035: Emergency Award: Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research on COVID-19 Consortium Coordinating Center (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Up To $500,000 6/9/2021 Not specified
National Institutes of Health PAR-20-178 - Emergency Awards: Rapid Investigation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 4/29/2021 Not specified
National Institutes of Health PAR-20-177 Emergency Awards: Rapid Investigation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 4/29/2021 Not specified
National Institutes of Health NOT-DA-20-047 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus not specified 4/21/2021 not specified
NIH - Office of the Director NOT-OD-21-071 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for NIH Grants to Add or Expand Research Focused on Maternal Health, Structural Racism and Discrimination, and COVID-19  Not specified



NOT-OD-21-090 (3/31/2021)

Not specified
NIH - Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health MP-CPI-21-006 - Advancing Health Literacy to Enhance Equitable Community Responses to COVID-19 $4,000,000 4/20/2021 73
NCATS & NIH RFA-TR-20-003 - Urgent Phase I/II Clinical Trials to Repurpose Existing Therapeutic Agents to Treat COVID-19 Sequelae (U01 Clinical Trial Required) Not specified 1/24/2021 Not specified
NIH PAR-20-234 - NIA Multi-site COVID-19 Related Clinical Trial Implementation Grant on Aging-Related Topics in at-risk Older Adult Populations (R01 Clinical Trial Required) Not Specified 2/2/2021 /Not Specified
National Institutes of Health NOT-GM-20-025 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the Causative Virus SARS-CoV-2 not specified 2/6/2021 not specified
National Institutes of Health RFA-RM-20-013 - NIH Directors Transformative Research Awards (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 12/30/2020 Not specified
National Institutes of Health NOT-MD-20-022 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Competitive and Administrative Supplements for Community Interventions to Reduce the Impact of COVID-19 on Health Disparity and Other Vulnerable Populations Not specified 12/30/2020 Not specified
National Institutes of Health NOT-MH-20-053 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 Not specified 12/30/2020 Not specified
NIH NOT-OD-21-018 - Request for Information (RFI): Inviting Comments and Suggestions on the NIH-Wide Strategic Plan for COVID-19 Research Not specified 12/7/2020 Not specified
NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified October 26, 2020
per issuance of PA-21-049. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIAID, NIDA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NIDDK, NIMH, NIAAA, NIMHD PA-20-248 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Fellowship for Students at Institutions with NIH-Funded Institutional Predoctoral Dual-Degree Training Programs (Parent F30) Not specified October 26, 2020 per issuance of 
(Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NIAMS, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS PA-20-247 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Senior Fellowship (Parent F33) Not specified October 23, 2020 per issuance of PA-21-047. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023 Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, NIMH, ODP, NINR, NIA, SGMRO, NIDDK, NIEHS, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDA, NEI, NIDCR PAR-20-237 - Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 12/2/2020 Not specified
NIH NOT-TR-20-029 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): New Administrative Supplement Applications to UL1 and U24 CTSA Awards to Address COVID-19 Public Heath Need Not Specified 11/11/2020 1-2 U24, 1-10 U54
National Institutes of Health RFA-RM-20-020 - NIH Directors Emergency Transformative Research Awards (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/30/2020 Not specified
NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
National Institutes of Health RFA-RM-20-021 - NIH Directors Emergency Early Independence Awards (DP5 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/4/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIDCR, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIA, NCCIH, ODP NOT-OD-20-121 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not Specified 8/8/2020 Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIAMS, NIA, NICHD, FIC, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINR, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, ODP RFA-OD-20-013 - Emergency Awards: RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Optional) $7,500,000 8/8/2020 Not specified
National Institutes of Health NOT-CA-20-038 - Emergency /Awards: SARS-CoV-2 Serological Sciences Centers of Excellence (U54 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 7/22/2020 Not specified
National Institutes of Health RFA-CA-20-039 - Emergency Awards: Research Projects in SARS-CoV-2 Serological Sciences (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 7/22/2020 Not specified
National Institutes of Health NOT-CA-20-066 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Serological Sciences Centers of Excellence") $19,000,000 7/20/2020 Not specified
National Institutes of Health Update to NOT-OD-20-107 - Notice of Change in Application Due Date for NOT-OD-20-107 "Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) - Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH ECHO Cooperative Agreements - Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed - for COVID-19 – related Research" $19,000,000 6/30/2020 11
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
NIH, NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH, NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIAID, NIAMS, NCI, ORWH, NIMH, NINR, OBSSR, ODP, NHLBI, NIDCR, SGMRO NOT-MD-21-008 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research to Address Vaccine Hesitancy, Uptake, and Implementation among Populations that Experience Health Disparities Not specified 1/8/2022 Not specified
NIMHD, NIAAA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NIDA PAR-20-310 - Health Services Research on Minority Health and Health Disparities (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/28/2023 Not specified
NIMHD, NCI, NIDA, NLM, ODP, OBSSR, NIMH, NIAMS NOT-MD-20-025 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Simulation Modeling and Systems Science to Address Health Disparities Not specified 5/8/2023 Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NIMH - NCCIH, SGMRO, ODP, NIDCD, OBSSR, NEI, NIDA, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIDCR, NINR, NIMHD PAR-20-243 - Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/3/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, NIMH, ODP, NINR, NIA, SGMRO, NIDDK, NIEHS, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDA, NEI, NIDCR PAR-20-237 - Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 12/2/2020 Not specified
NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIDCR, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIA, NCCIH, ODP NOT-OD-20-121 - Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 8/8/2020 Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIAMS, NIA, NICHD, FIC, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINR, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, ODP RFA-OD-20-013 - Emergency Awards: RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Optional) $7,500,000 8/8/2020 Not specified
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIAID, NIDA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NIDDK, NIMH, NIAAA, NIMHD PA-20-248 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Fellowship for Students at Institutions with NIH-Funded Institutional Predoctoral Dual-Degree Training Programs (Parent F30) Not specified October 26, 2020 per issuance of 
(Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NINDS, ORIP, NIMHD, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIAMS, NIEHS, NCATS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI NOT-OD-20-129 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Individuals with Down Syndrome for the INCLUDE Project Not specified 7/13/2021 Not specified
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
OD & ORWH NOT-OD-21-064 - Notice of Intent to Publish Funding Opportunity Announcements for the RADx-UP Initiative (Phase II) Not specified 4/30/2021 and 6/21/2021 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH, NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH, NIA, OBSSR, ORWH RFA-AG-21-035: Emergency Award: Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research on COVID-19 Consortium Coordinating Center (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Up To $500,000 6/9/2021 Not specified
NIH, NIA, NEI, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMH, NIMHD, OBSSR, ORWH PAR-21-213 - NIH - Emergency Award: Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research on COVID-19 Consortium (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 6/9/2021, 10/8/2021, and 11/9/2021 Not specified
NICHD and ORWH NOT-HD-21-035: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) to Encourage Administrative Supplement Applications to Investigate COVID-19 Vaccination and Menstruation (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional) ( Reissuance of 
6/17/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIAID, NIAMS, NCI, ORWH, NIMH, NINR, OBSSR, ODP, NHLBI, NIDCR, SGMRO NOT-MD-21-008 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research to Address Vaccine Hesitancy, Uptake, and Implementation among Populations that Experience Health Disparities Not specified 1/8/2022 Not specified
NIMHD, NIAAA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NIDA PAR-20-310 - Health Services Research on Minority Health and Health Disparities (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/28/2023 Not specified
NICHD and ORWH Notice of Special Interest: Emerging Viral Infections and their Impact on the Male and Female Reproductive Tract Not specified 10/5/2020 and 7/16/2023 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

ORWH NOT-OD-20-168 - Notice of Change: Expansion of Research Scope of RFA-OD-19-029 The Intersection of Sex and Gender Influences on Health and Disease (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)" Not specified Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NIMH - NCCIH, SGMRO, ODP, NIDCD, OBSSR, NEI, NIDA, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIDCR, NINR, NIMHD PAR-20-243 - Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/3/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, NIMH, ODP, NINR, NIA, SGMRO, NIDDK, NIEHS, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDA, NEI, NIDCR PAR-20-237 - Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 12/2/2020 Not specified
NHGRI - NICHD, NINDS, ORWH, NIMH RFA-HG-20-039 - Laboratory, Data Analysis, and Coordinating Center (LDACC) for the Developmental Genotype-Tissue Expression Project(U24) (Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 11/13/2020 Not specified
NIA, NIDCD, ORWH, NICHD, NINR, NINDS, NIDCR NOT-OD-20-152 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Emergency Competitive Revisions for Chemosensory Testing as a COVID-19 Screening Tool Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIA, NIDCD, ORWH, NICHD, NLM, NINR, NINDS, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-022 - Emergency Awards: Chemosensory Testing as a COVID-19 Screening Tool (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIDCR, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIA, NCCIH, ODP NOT-OD-20-121 - Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 8/8/2020 Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIAMS, NIA, NICHD, FIC, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINR, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, ODP RFA-OD-20-013 - Emergency Awards: RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Optional) $7,500,000 8/8/2020 Not specified
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
NIH, NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH, NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIAID, NIAMS, NCI, ORWH, NIMH, NINR, OBSSR, ODP, NHLBI, NIDCR, SGMRO NOT-MD-21-008 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research to Address Vaccine Hesitancy, Uptake, and Implementation among Populations that Experience Health Disparities Not specified 1/8/2022 Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NIMH - NCCIH, SGMRO, ODP, NIDCD, OBSSR, NEI, NIDA, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIDCR, NINR, NIMHD PAR-20-243 - Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/3/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, NIMH, ODP, NINR, NIA, SGMRO, NIDDK, NIEHS, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDA, NEI, NIDCR PAR-20-237 - Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 12/2/2020 Not specified
NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIDCR, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIA, NCCIH, ODP NOT-OD-20-121 - Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 8/8/2020 Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIAMS, NIA, NICHD, FIC, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINR, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, ODP RFA-OD-20-013 - Emergency Awards: RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Optional) $7,500,000 8/8/2020 Not specified
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
NIH, NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH, NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NIMHD - NIDCD, NIMH, ODP, NINR, NIA, SGMRO, NIDDK, NIEHS, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDA, NEI, NIDCR PAR-20-237 - Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 12/2/2020 Not specified
NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIDCR, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIA, NCCIH, ODP NOT-OD-20-121 - Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 8/8/2020 Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIAMS, NIA, NICHD, FIC, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINR, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, ODP RFA-OD-20-013 - Emergency Awards: RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Optional) $7,500,000 8/8/2020 Not specified
For current information on National Library of Medicine's COVID-19 funding opportunities, notices, and response, go to NLM Director's Update on Emergency Funding and COVID-19 Research and Services page.
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
NIH, NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH, NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIMHD, NCI, NIDA, NLM, ODP, OBSSR, NIMH, NIAMS NOT-MD-20-025 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Simulation Modeling and Systems Science to Address Health Disparities Not specified 5/8/2023 Not specified
NIH, NIDA, NIMH, NLM, NIDCR, OBSSR, NIMHD, NIEHS, NIAAA, NINR, NCI, NIAID, NIBIB, NIAMS, NHLBI PAR-20-238 - Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2023 Not specified
NIH - NCATS, NCCIH, NCI, NHGRI, NIA, NIAAA, NIAID, NIBIB, NICHD, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NIMHD, NINR, NLM, ORWH, OSC PA-20-135 - Emergency Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Awards (Emergency Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2025 Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NICHD, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, NCATS, OBSSR, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-019 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Data Coordination Center (DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIDDK, NIGMS, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, OBSSR, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-016 - Emergency Awards: RADx-RAD Multimodal COVID-19 surveillance methods for high risk clustered populations (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIEHS, NIGMS, NLM, NIDA RFA-OD-20-015 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Wastewater Detection of SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) (U01 - Clinical Trials Not Allowed) Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIA, NIDCD, ORWH, NICHD, NLM, NINR, NINDS, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-022 - Emergency Awards: Chemosensory Testing as a COVID-19 Screening Tool (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-020 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Novel Biosensing for Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring of COVID-19 From Skin and The Oral Cavity (R44 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-017 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Screening for COVID-19 by Electronic-Nose Technology (SCENT) (U18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-021 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Novel Biosensing for Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring of COVID-19 From Skin and The Oral Cavity (Fast-Track STTR Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NLM NOT-OD-20-159 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Emergency Competitive Revisions for Wastewater Surveillance Research for Public Health Response to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Not specified 8/22/2020 Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIAMS, NIA, NICHD, FIC, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINR, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, ODP RFA-OD-20-013 - Emergency Awards: RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Optional) $7,500,000 8/8/2020 Not specified
NLM - NOT-LM-20-010 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified 6/2/2020 Not specified
NLM NOT-LM-20-011 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Data Driven Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (R21) Not specified 6/17/2020 Not specified
For more information on the National Science Foundation's COVID-19 funding opportunities, go to NSF's COVID-19 rapid funding search results page.


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

National Science Foundation 20-105 - Sentinel Cells for Surveillance and Response to Emergent Infectious Diseases (Sentinels) Not specified Not specified Not specified
National Science Foundation 20-065 - US-based small businesses to submit Phase I proposals focused on the development and deployment of new technologies, products, processes, and services to the COVID-19 crisis Not specified Not specified Not specified
For current information on Office of Behavioral Health and Social Sciences Research COVID-19 funding notices, go to OBSSR's Funding Opportunities Specific to COVID-19 and the Behavioral and Social Sciences.
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
NIH, NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH, NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH, NIA, OBSSR, ORWH RFA-AG-21-035: Emergency Award: Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research on COVID-19 Consortium Coordinating Center (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Up To $500,000 6/9/2021 Not specified
NIH, NIA, NEI, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMH, NIMHD, OBSSR, ORWH PAR-21-213 - NIH - Emergency Award: Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research on COVID-19 Consortium (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 6/9/2021, 10/8/2021, and 11/9/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIAID, NIAMS, NCI, ORWH, NIMH, NINR, OBSSR, ODP, NHLBI, NIDCR, SGMRO NOT-MD-21-008 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research to Address Vaccine Hesitancy, Uptake, and Implementation among Populations that Experience Health Disparities Not specified 1/8/2022 Not specified
NIMHD, NIAAA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NIDA PAR-20-310 - Health Services Research on Minority Health and Health Disparities (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/28/2023 Not specified
NIMHD, NCI, NIDA, NLM, ODP, OBSSR, NIMH, NIAMS NOT-MD-20-025 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Simulation Modeling and Systems Science to Address Health Disparities Not specified 5/8/2023 Not specified
NIH, NIDA, NIMH, NLM, NIDCR, OBSSR, NIMHD, NIEHS, NIAAA, NINR, NCI, NIAID, NIBIB, NIAMS, NHLBI PAR-20-238 - Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2023 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

NIMH - NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NICHD, NINR, OBSSR, ODP, NIDCR, NIDA, NEI NOT-MH-20-058 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Digital healthcare interventions to address the secondary health effects related to social, behavioral, and economic impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, OBSSR, NIDA, NINR, ODP, NCCIH, NIMH, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIA, NICHD, ORWH NOT-MD-20-023 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified Not specified Not specified
OPPNET - NICHD, NINDS, NIMHD, OBSSR, NIDA, NIMH, NCCIH, NIAAA, NINR, NIA NOT-OD-20-103 - Notice of Additional Due Date and Additional Areas of Focus Especially of Interest of PAR-19-373 and PAR-19-384, "Research on Biopsychosocial Factors of Social Connectedness and Isolation on Health, Wellbeing, Illness, and Recovery (R01)" Not specified Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

OBSSR - NCCIH, NCI, NHGRI, NHLBI, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NINR, ODP, ORWH NOT-OD-20-097 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus and the Behavioral and Social Sciences Not specified 4/1/2021 Not specified
NIMH - NCCIH, SGMRO, ODP, NIDCD, OBSSR, NEI, NIDA, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIDCR, NINR, NIMHD PAR-20-243 - Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/3/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDCR, NCATS, NIEHS, ORWH, NIDA, OBSSR, NIDCD, SGMRO, NICHD, ODP, NIMH, NHLBI, NIA, NEI, NIDDK NOT-MD-20-022 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Competitive and Administrative Supplements for Community Interventions to Reduce the Impact of COVID-19 on Health Disparity and Other Vulnerable Populations Not specified 12/30/2020 Not specified
NIMH - NICHD, ORWH, NIDCR, NCATS, NIDA, OBSSR, NCCIH, NINR, ODP, NIDCD, NHLBI, NIA, NEI, NIAAA, NIMHD, SGMRO, NIDDK NOT-MH-20-053 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 Not specified 12/30/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NICHD, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, NCATS, OBSSR, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-019 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Data Coordination Center (DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIDDK, NIGMS, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, OBSSR, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-016 - Emergency Awards: RADx-RAD Multimodal COVID-19 surveillance methods for high risk clustered populations (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIDCR, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIA, NCCIH, ODP NOT-OD-20-121 - Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 8/8/2020 Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIAMS, NIA, NICHD, FIC, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINR, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, ODP RFA-OD-20-013 - Emergency Awards: RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Optional) $7,500,000 8/8/2020 Not specified
Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity IARPA-BAA-20-01 - COVID-19 Seedling Research Topics Not specified 5/20/2021 Not specified
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

RMOD RFA-RM-20-020 - NIH Directors Emergency Transformative Research Awards (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
RMOD RFA-RM-20-021 - NIH Directors Emergency Early Independence Awards (DP5 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/5/2020 Not specified
RMOD NOT-RM-20-015 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Emergency Competitive Revisions for Research on Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified 6/20/2020 Not specified
For more information, go to the USAID's COVID-19 funding opportunities informational page.
Archived Opportunities
Agency for International Development 7200AA19APS00012 - Conflict Prevention & Recovery Program (CPRP) Not specified 4/29/2021 Not specified

Agency for International Development

72038820APS00001 - USAID/Bangladesh and the Private Sector: Partnering to Fight COVID-19
Up to $10,000,000 4/29/2021 Not specified
Go to USDA's Coronavirus Loans and Grants website for information and updates on funding opportunities.



Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

USDA - National Institute of Food and Agriculture USDA-NIFA-RHSE-007857 - Rural Health and Safety Education Competitive Grants Program (RHSE) Up to $350,000 with total funding of $4,000,000 4/29/2021 Not specified
USDA Rural Development
Utilities Programs
RUS-20-02-DLT - Distance Learning and Telemedicine Loans and Grants $40,000,000 7/13/2020 200
For information on the US Department of Defense's COVID-19 notices and funding information, go to Coronavirus: DOD Response Spotlight page.


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA W81XWH-20-PRMRP-CTA - CDMRP Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program Clinical Trial Award $45,000,000 8/13/2020 11
Air Force Office of Scientific Research FOA-AFRL-AFOSR-2020-0003 - Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program Not specified 7/14/2020 37
Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA W81XWH-20-PRMRP-IIRA-COV - CDMRP PRMRP Investigator-Initiated Research Award for Emerging Viral Diseases and Respiratory Health $12,000,000 6/12/2020 4
Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA W81XWH-20-PRMRP-TTDA-COV - CDMRP PRMRP Technology/Therapeutic Development Award for Emerging Viral Diseases and Respiratory Health $25,000,000 6/12/2020 4
Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA W81XWH-20-PRMRP-CTA-COV - CDMRP PRMRP Clinical Trial Award for Emerging Viral Diseases and Respiratory Health $30,000,000 6/22/2020 5
U.S. Army A20B-T028 - Small Business Innovation Research Up to $166,500 7/2/2020 Not specified
Defense Logistics Agency DLA202-011 - Small Business Innovation Research Up to $100,000 7/2/2020 Not specified
Defense Logistics Agency DLA202-012 - Learning From the Coronavirus: An Economic Assessment on the Effects of Pandemics on the Supply and Demand for Strategic & Critical Materials in the Defense Industrial Base. Up to $100,000 7/2/2020 Not specified
Defense Logistics Agency DLA202-D013 - Small Business Innovation Research Up to $100,000 7/2/2020 Not specified
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NINDS, ORIP, NIMHD, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIAMS, NIEHS, NCATS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI NOT-OD-20-129 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Individuals with Down Syndrome for the INCLUDE Project Not specified 7/13/2021 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

NINDS NOT-NS-20-076 - Notice to Extend Eligibility for Submission of Diversity K22 Applications due to COVID-related Disruptions Not specified Not specified Not specified
NINDS - NOT-NS-20-074 - Notice of Change to Eligible Activity Codes for NOT-NS-20-051 "Notice of Special Interest: Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements For Research on Biological Effects of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus on the Nervous System" Not specified Not specified Not specified
OPPNET - NICHD, NINDS, NIMHD, OBSSR, NIDA, NIMH, NCCIH, NIAAA, NINR, NIA NOT-OD-20-103 - Notice of Additional Due Date and Additional Areas of Focus Especially of Interest of PAR-19-373 and PAR-19-384, "Research on Biopsychosocial Factors of Social Connectedness and Isolation on Health, Wellbeing, Illness, and Recovery (R01)" Not specified Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NINDS NOT-NS-21-037: Notice of Special Interest: Impact of COVID-19 on Dementia Risk, Progression and Outcomes in ADRD Populations  Not specified 5/5/2021 Not specified
NINDS NOT-NS-20-051 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements For Research on Biological Effects of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus on the Nervous System Not specified 4/15/2021 Not specified
NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NHGRI - NICHD, NINDS, ORWH, NIMH RFA-HG-20-039 - Laboratory, Data Analysis, and Coordinating Center (LDACC) for the Developmental Genotype-Tissue Expression Project(U24) (Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 11/13/2020 Not specified
NIA, NIDCD, ORWH, NICHD, NINR, NINDS, NIDCR NOT-OD-20-152 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Emergency Competitive Revisions for Chemosensory Testing as a COVID-19 Screening Tool Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIA, NIDCD, ORWH, NICHD, NLM, NINR, NINDS, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-022 - Emergency Awards: Chemosensory Testing as a COVID-19 Screening Tool (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIDCR, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIA, NCCIH, ODP NOT-OD-20-121 - Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 8/8/2020 Not specified
NINDS NOT-NS-20-046 - Notice of Special Interestregarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for the Establishment and Maintenance of a Research Database for Neurological Manifestations of the SARS-CoV-2 Not specified 5/9/2020 Not specified
For more information, go to the U.S. Department of Energy's COVID-19 Hub
For more information, go to the Department of Homeland Security's DHS Responds: Coronavirus (COVID-19) page.


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

Federal Emergency Management Agency DHS-20-GPD-111-06-01 - Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP) Up to $1,000,000 with total funding of $1,000,000 7/15/2020 Not specified
For more information, go to USHUD's Public and Indian Housing COVID-19 Resources for, guides, toolkits, and information.


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

US Dept of Housing and Urban Development FR-6400-N-70 - Fair Housing Initiatives Program - Education and Outreach Initiative (COVID-19) $1,000,000 7/8/2020 26
For US Department of Justice COVID-19 response, go to


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

DOJ - National Institute of Corrections USDOJ-BOP-NIC - 20PR07 - COVID 19 - Operational Challenges for Corrections $175,000 8/07/2020 1
For current information about the Department of Labor's COVID-19 resources including announcements and notices, go to DOL's Coronavirus Resources site.

Current Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

DOL-OSHA SHTG-FY-21-05 - Workplace Safety and Health Training on Infectious Diseases, Including COVID-19 $10,000,000 7/26/2021 80


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

Employment and Training Administration ETA-TEGL-22-19 - Program Year (PY) 2020 Planning Instructions and Allotments for Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) State, Territory, and National Grantees; and Implementation of SCSEP Provisions of the CARES Act $104,075,209 6/19/2020 56
For more information, go to the U.S. Department of State's COVID-19 site.
Office of the Secretary DOS-SBUR - COVID-19 Private Sector Engagement & Partnership Fund Not specified 5/28/2021 Not specified
DOS-GTIP - Office to Monitor-Combat Trafficking in Persons SFOP00072332020 - TIP Office Annual Program Statement to Address the Impacts of COVID-19 $1,000,000 6/20/2021 7
DOS-GTIP - Office to Monitor-Combat Trafficking in Persons AfrIdea: A Regional Idea-a-thon for Post-COVID Progress Up to $1,000,000 6/30/2021 7
DOS "SFOP0007088 - SFOP0007088 - COVID-19 Private Sector Engagement & Partnership Fund 8/27/2021 $Up To $10,000,000, $50,000 floor  


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

USAID - Nepal 72036721APS00001 - Empowering Nepal's Marginalized and Vulnerable to Respond to COVID-19 Cooperative Agreement - Special call to local actors to submit concepts focused on Empowering Nepal’s Marginalized and Vulnerable to respond to COVID-19. 1/18/2021 Not specified
United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation NSF-BSF COVID-19 Rapid Submission Up to $200,000 Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

 DOS-PRM -Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration Notice of Funding Opportunity for Innovation in Child Protection: Intersectoral Approaches for Child Well-being Up to $1,000,000 4/14/2021 Not specified
U.S. Mission to Cameroon PAS-CMR-FY20-07 - Boosting Frontline Health Workers Ability in Responding to COVID-19 - Virtual Awareness and Capacity Building Training Project $50,000 8/30/2020 5
African Regional Services AfrIdea: A Regional Idea-a-thon for Post-COVID Progress $250,000 8/23/2020 10
U.S. Mission to India ND-NOFO-20-111 - COVID-19 Small Grants Program $100,000 7/31/2020 Not specified
U.S. Mission to India ND-NOFO-20-111 - COVID-19 Small Grants Program $100,000 7/31/2020* DUE DATE CHANGE Not specified
Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labor SFOP0006927 - DRL FY19 Countering Corruption amid COVID-19 $1,000,000 6/12/2020 1
For more information, go to the National Park Services's COVID-19 updates page.

For more information, go to the U.S. Department of Treasury's CARES Act Works for All Americans page.

For more information, go to the EDA CARES Act Recovery Assistance page.


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

Economic Development Administration PWEAA2020 - Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs including CARES Act Funding Not specified Not specified 3000

For more information, go to the Department of Labor's COVID-19 Resources page.

For more information, go to the EPA's Coronavirus (COVID-19) page.



Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

EPA EPA-G2021-STAR-A1 - Viral Pathogen and Surrogate Approaches for Assessing Treatment Performance in Water Reuse $6,200,000 1/6/2021 5
Environmental Protection Agency EPA-OP-OEJ-20-02 - State Environmental Justice Cooperative Agreement Program Up to $200,000 with total funding of $1,000,000 6/30/2020 Not specified
For more information and updates, go to the FDA's Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)page.
USFDA RFA-FD-21-035 - Pediatric and Perinatal COVID-19 Registry (U18) Clinical Trials Optional Up to $1,000,000 July 6, 2021 1
Vet-LIRN Network Capacity-Building Projects
Not specified

Jan 15, 2019, April 15, 2019, July 8, 2019

Jan 15, 2020, April 15, 2020, July 13, 2020

Jan 15, 2021, April 15, 2021, July 12, 2021

Jan 15, 2022, April 15, 2022, July 11, 2022

Jan 15, 2023, April 15, 2023, July 10, 2023

Not specified
FDA FOR-FD-22-001 - Innovation Grant: COVID-19 and Health Equity (R01) Clinical Trials Optional 
Up to $1,000,000
3/31/2022 5
FDA-CBER FDA-CBER-2021-0031 - FDA Viral Pathogenesis and Immunobiology Fellowship Not specified 7/23/2021 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

Oak Ridge Associated Universities FDA-CBER-2020-0041 - FDA Postgraduate Research Opportunity in Molecular Biology Not specified 12/31/2020 Not specified
Oak Ridge Associated Universities FDA-CBER-2020-0052 - FDA COVID-19 Diagnostic Test Fellowship Not specified 9/30/2020 Not specified
Food and Drug Administration NOT-FD-20-019 - FDA - Flexibilities Available to Applicants and Recipients of Federal Financial Assistance Affected by COVID-19 Not specified Not specified Not specified


Archives - Organized by most recent.

Oak Ridge Associated Universities FDA-CDER-2020-0573 - FDA Qualitative Research Fellowship Not specfied 3/31/2021 Not specified
Oak Ridge Associated Universities FDA-NCTR-2021-0004 - FDA Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Toxicology and COVID-19 Pathology Not specified 2/12/2021 Not specified
Oak Ridge Associated Universities FDA-CBER-2020-0035 - FDA Postgraduate COVID-19 Analysis Fellowship Not specified 9/24/2020 Not specified
Oak Ridge Associated Universities FDA-CBER-2020-0036 - FDA Postgraduate Fellowship in Molecular Biology of COVID-19 Not specified 9/24/2020 Not specified
Oak Ridge Associated Universities FDA-CBER-2020-0040 - FDA Postdoctoral Research Opportunity on COVID-19 Vaccines Not specified 9/28/2020 Not specified
For more information about the Department of Health and Human Services COVID-19 updates, go to HHS Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates.
HHS-ACF HHS-2021-ACF-OCS-ET-1959 - Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) CARES Act Rapid-Cycle Impact Projects Not specified 7/26/2021 Not specified
HHS - Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health OS-PAW-20-001 - SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Program Activities $1,000,000 Not specified 10


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

HHS-HRSA HRSA-21-136 - Community-Based Workforce for COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach $12,500,000 5/18/2021 10
HHS - HRSA RSA-21-140- Local Community-Based Workforce to Increase COVID-19 Vaccine Access Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration $1,000,000 6/9/2021 121
HHS-2021-ACL-AOA-INNU-0021 HHS-2021-ACL-AOA-INNU-0021 - Innovations in Nutrition Programs and Services - Research $300,000 3/29/2021 5
HHS-CDC-HHSCDCERA RFA-GH-21-006 - Strengthening Public Health Research and Implementation Science (Operations Research) to Control and Eliminate Infectious Diseases Globally $60,000,000 3/30/2021 6
HHS-OPHS MP-CPI-21-006 - Advancing Health Literacy to Enhance Equitable Community Responses to COVID-19 $4,000,000 2/16/2021 73
HHS-CDC-HHSCDCERA RFA-GH-21-004 - Conducting Research to Inform Pandemic Response and Recovery of Emergency-Affected Populations by Determining Public Health Needs, Improving Methods, and Integrating Services to Mitigate Morbidity and Mortality $75,000,000 2/18/2021 5
HHS - Indian Health Service HHS-2020-IHS-UIHP3-0002 - Urban Indian Education and Research Program, Competing Supplement $1,000,000 11/6/2020 1
HHS - Office of the National Coordinator COVID-C3-20-003 - Public Health Emergency Response Related HL7® Standards, Solutions and Future Pandemics Up to $2,000,000 9/11/2020 1
HHS - Office of the National Coordinator COVID-C3-20-004 - Accelerating and Expanding LOINC® Development to Support Public Health Needs Up to $1,500,000 9/11/2020 1
HHS - Office of the National Coordinator COVID-C3-20-002 - Strengthening the Technical Advancement & Readiness of Public Health via Health Information Exchange Program Up to $500,000 9/1/2020 5
HHS-SAMHS-SAMHSA FG-20-009 - Disaster Response State Grant Program $71,600,000 9/7/2020 17
HHS - National Center for Environmental Health CDC-RFA-EH20-20030101SUPP20 - National Public Health Surveillance for Chemical and Radiologic Exposures and Emerging Drug Threats - COVID-19 Supplemental Up to $750,000 with total funding of $2,250,000 8/19/2020 Not specified
HHS - National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases CDC-RFA-CK20-2003 - Improving Clinical and Public Health Outcomes through National Partnerships to Prevent and Control Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Disease Threats Not specified 7/31/2020 Not specified
For more information, go to the U.S. Small Business Administration's COVID-19 Guidance and Loan Resources page.


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

U.S. Small Business Administration Paycheck Protection Program Not specified 6/30/2020 Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

The Hamon Center for Regenerative Science and Medicine Awards Hamon Center for Regenerative Science - Request for Applications for Pilot Projects Relating to COVID-19 $50,000 9/15/2020 Not specified
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NINDS, ORIP, NIMHD, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIAMS, NIEHS, NCATS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI NOT-OD-20-129 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Individuals with Down Syndrome for the INCLUDE Project Not specified 7/13/2021 Not specified
NIH - NCATS, NCCIH, NCI, NHGRI, NIA, NIAAA, NIAID, NIBIB, NICHD, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NIMHD, NINR, NLM, ORWH, OSC PA-20-135 - Emergency Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Awards (Emergency Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/10/2023 Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

OBSSR - NCCIH, NCI, NHGRI, NHLBI, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NINR, ODP, ORWH NOT-OD-20-097 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus and the Behavioral and Social Sciences"> Not specified 4/1/2021 Not specified
NHGRI NOT-HG-21-020 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on Critical Threats to Public Health in Large-Scale Population Cohorts Not specified 1/16/2021 Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified October 26, 2020
per issuance of PA-21-049. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIAID, NIDA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NIDDK, NIMH, NIAAA, NIMHD PA-20-248 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Fellowship for Students at Institutions with NIH-Funded Institutional Predoctoral Dual-Degree Training Programs (Parent F30) Not specified October 26, 2020 per issuance of 
(Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NHGRI - NICHD, NINDS, ORWH, NIMH RFA-HG-20-039 - Laboratory, Data Analysis, and Coordinating Center (LDACC) for the Developmental Genotype-Tissue Expression Project(U24) (Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 11/13/2020 Not specified
NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 
per issuance of PA-21-052
Not specified
NIA, NCI, RM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA, NHGRI RFA-OD-20-018 - Emergency Awards: Exosome-based Non-traditional Technologies Towards Multi-Parametric and Integrated Approaches for SARS-CoV-2 (U18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NHGRI NOT-OD-20-097 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus and the Behavioral and Social Sciences Not specified 5/16/2020 Not specified
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

OPPNET - NICHD, NINDS, NIMHD, OBSSR, NIDA, NIMH, NCCIH, NIAAA, NINR, NIA NOT-OD-20-103 - Notice of Additional Due Date and Additional Areas of Focus Especially of Interest of PAR-19-373 and PAR-19-384, "Research on Biopsychosocial Factors of Social Connectedness and Isolation on Health, Wellbeing, Illness, and Recovery (R01)" Not specified 3/17/2021 Not specified
For more CDC COVID-19 related information, visit COVID-19 Funding page.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.


CDC-NCBDDD-2021-0082 - CDC COVID-19 Health Policy Fellowship (5/24/2021)

Monthly stipend commensurate with educational level and experience 5/31/2021 Not specified
HHS-CDC-NCCDPHP CDC-RFA-DP21-2110 - Community Health Workers for COVID Response and Resilient Communities (CCR)- Evaluation and Technical Assistance (ETA); CCR-ETA $27,000,000 5/22/2021 4
HHS-CDC-NCCDPHP CDC-RFA-DP21-2109 - Community Health Workers for COVID Response and Resilient Communities (CCR) Department of Health and Human Services  Up to $5,000,000 5/25/2021 70
HHS-CDC-NCEZID CDC-NCEZID-2021-0113 - Epidemiology Fellowship  Not specified 5/15/2021 1

CDC-RFA-DP21-2109 - Community Health Workers for COVID Response and Resilient Communities (CCR)

$188,000,000 4/24/2021 70
HHS-CDC-OSTLTS CDC-RFA-OT21-2103 National Initiative to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities Among Populations at High-Risk and Underserved, Including Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations and Rural Communities Up to $50,000,000 5/3/2021 108
HHS-CDC-NCEZID CDC-RFA-CK21-2107 - Globally coordinated safety monitoring for COVID-19 vaccines Up to $5,665,726 4/16/2021 1
HHS-CDC CDC-RFA-GH21-2102 - Capacity Building for Global, Regional, and National Immunization Programs Up to $13,000,000 4/20/2021 Not specified
HHS-CDC-HHSCDCERA RFA-IP-21-003 - Collaborative Research on Influenza, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), and Other Respiratory Pathogens in South Africa $3,750,000 3/9/2021 1
CDC-ERA RFA-IP-21-002 - US Enhanced Surveillance Network to Assess Burden, Natural History, and Effectiveness of Vaccines to Prevent Enteric and Respiratory Viruses in Children $68,250,000 2/8/2021 7
HHS-CDC-HHSCDCERA RFA-GH-21-004 - Conducting Research to Inform Pandemic Response and Recovery of Emergency-Affected Populations by Determining Public Health Needs, Improving Methods, and Integrating Services to Mitigate Morbidity and Mortality $75,000,000 2/18/2021 5
HHS-CDC-HHSCDCERA RFA-GH-21-006 - Strengthening Public Health Research and Implementation Science (Operations Research) to Control and Eliminate Infectious Diseases Globally $60,000,000 2/22/2021 6
HHS-CDC-HHSCDCERA RFA-DP-21-004 - Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research Centers: 2021 Special Interest Project Competitive Supplements (SIPS) $9,080,000 2/24/2021 12
CDC - ERA RFA-IP-21-005 - Annual Estimates of Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness for Preventing Medically Attended Laboratory-Confirmed Influenza in the United States $75,500,000 1/08/2021 7
CDC & Oak Ridge Associated Universities CDC-NCEH-2021-0021 - CDC Air Pollution & COVID-19 Epidemiology Analysis Fellowship Not specified 1/12/2021 Not specified
CDC-NCIRD CDC-RFA-IP21-2107 - Partnering with Professional and Medical Associations to Increase Vaccination Coverage Across Different Racial and Ethnic Adult Populations Experiencing Disparities $1,000,000 1/19/2021 3
HHS-CDC-NCIRD CDC-RFA-IP21-2106 - Partnering with National Organizations to Increase Vaccination Coverage Across Different Racial and Ethnic Adult Populations Currently Experiencing Disparities $17,500,000 1/4/2021 10
CDC - ERA RFA-CK-21-003 -Monitoring Cause-specific School Absenteeism for Estimating Community-wide Influenza and SARS-CoV-2 Transmission $3,000,000 12/18/2020 1
CDC - ERA RFA-CK-21-002 - Emerging Infections Network - Research for Preventing, Detecting, and Managing Travelers who Acquire Infectious Diseases Abroad $7,500,000 12/18/2020 1
CDC - ERA RFA-CK-21-001 - US Travelers™ Health Research, Surveillance, Communication, and Outreach Network $7,500,000 12/18/2020 1
CDC - OD CDC-RFA-CD20-2001 - Strengthening the Nation's Public Health Communication Infrastructure to Respond to COVID-19 $500,000 9/3/2020 1
CDC - Oak Ridge Associated Universities CDC-DLS-2020-0143 - CDC COVID Infectious Diseases Fellowship  Not specified 8/10/2020 No specified
Centers for Disease Control - NCEH CDC-RFA-EH20-20030101SUPP20-National Public Health Surveillance for Chemical and Radiologic Exposures and Emerging Drug Threats - COVID-19 Supplemental $2,250,000 8/19/2020 1
CDC & Oak Ridge Associated Universities CDC-NCBDDD-2020-0152 - CDC COVID-19 Data Analysis Fellowship Not specified 8/25/2020 Not specified
CDC & Oak Ridge Associated Universities CDC-NCBDDD-2020-0153 - CDC COVID-19 Health Policy Fellowship Not specified 8/25/2020 Not specified
Centers for Disease Control - NCEZID CDC-RFA-CK20-2003 - Improving Clinical and Public Health Outcomes through National Partnerships to Prevent and Control Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Disease Threats Cooperation Agreement 7/31/2020 24
CDC - Oak Ridge Associated Universities CDC-IDPB-2020-0150 - CDC COVID-19 Epidemiology Fellowship  Not specified 8/4/2020 Not specified
CDC - Oak Ridge Associated Universities CDC-CPR-2020-0145 - CDC Emergency Risk Communication Research and Evaluation Fellowship Not specified 7/24/2020 Not specified
HHS - CDC CDC-RFA-OE20-20010101SUPP20 - Enhancing Public Health Laboratory Capabilities and Increasing Capacity $50,000,000 7/22/2020 Not specified
Oak Ridge Associated Universities CDC-IDPB-2020-0139 - CDC COVID-19 Molecular Pathology Fellowship Not specified 7/17/2020 Not specified
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry CDC-RFA-TS20-20010101SUPP20 - ATSDR's Partnership to Promote Local Efforts To Reduce Environmental Exposure - COVID-19 Supplement Up to $150,000 with total funding of $3,000,000 6/30/2020 28
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry CDC-RFA-TS19-19010201SUPP20 - PEHSU COVID-19 Emergency Response Supplement Up to $1,915,000 with total funding of $1,915,000 6/17/2020 1

Consult  COVID-19: Guidance for CPRIT Grantees and Grant Applicants for the lastest funding inquiries, opportunities and updates. 

From the CPRIT website:

"Governor Abbott declared a State of Disaster for Texas on March 13 related to the COVID-19 pandemic. As COVID-19 precautionary measures and illness hinder business activities, CPRIT is committed to supporting our grant applicants and grantees. We will provide guidance on this webpage as information becomes available.

If a grantee has a question about COVID-19’s effect on an individual grant project that CPRIT has not addressed here, the grantee should contact their program manager. CPRIT has also created a dedicated email ( to receive grantee questions.

CPRIT will consider new COVID-19 developments in line with current cost principles, state law, and CPRIT rules. We are committed to working with grant applicants and grantees to support cancer research and prevention projects and provide necessary flexibility."



Consult COGR's  Institutional and Agency Responses to COVID-19 and Additional Resources for the latest funding inquiries, opportunities and updates along with notices from various federal government agencies.


For current information Fogarty International Center's COVID-19 resources, go to Coronavirus news, funding and resources for global health researchers.
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

Fogarty International Center NOT-TW-21-003 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements for COVID-19-Impacted FIC Research Training and Education Awards Not specified 5/15/2021 Not specified
Fogarty International Center NOT-TW-21-004 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements to FIC Awards for COVID-19-related Research in Low- or Middle-Income Countries Not specified 5/15/2021 Not specified
NIAID, NIAMS, NICHD, NIMHD, FIC, NHLBI, NIDA RFA-OD-20-023 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Predicting Viral-Associated Inflammatory Disease Severity in Children with Laboratory Diagnostics and Artificial Intelligence (PreVAIL kIds) (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIAMS, NIA, NICHD, FIC, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINR, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, ODP RFA-OD-20-013 - Emergency Awards: RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Optional) $7,500,000 8/8/2020 Not specified
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
NIMH - NICHD NOT-MH-21-225 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): COVID-19 Related School Disruptions Impact on Mental Health, Cognitive, Social, and Emotional Development of Children Not specified


See PA-20-185 

Not specified
NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NICHD and ORWH NOT-HD-21-035: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) to Encourage Administrative Supplement Applications to Investigate COVID-19 Vaccination and Menstruation (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional) ( Reissuance of 
6/17/2021 Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NINDS, ORIP, NIMHD, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIAMS, NIEHS, NCATS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI NOT-OD-20-129 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Individuals with Down Syndrome for the INCLUDE Project Not specified 7/13/2021 Not specified
NICHD NOT-HD-21-037: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Competitive Revision and Administrative Supplements to Existing NICHD HIV Grants and Cooperative Agreements to Understand HIV Health Impacts of COVID-19 







9/15/2021 Not specified
NICHD NOT-HD-21-038: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Promoting Vaccine Access, Acceptance and Uptake among Children, Adolescents, Pregnant and Lactating Women, and Persons with Disabilities (






9/21/2021 Not specified
NIH - NIAID, NICHD, NIDA, NCI, NEI, NIA, NIAAA, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NIDCD, NIMHD PA-18-935 - Urgent Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Urgent Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 1/25/2022 Not specified
NICHD NOT-HD-20-031 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) Research on Rehabilitation Needs Associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic Not specified 5/8/2023 Not specified
NICHD and ORWH Notice of Special Interest: Emerging Viral Infections and their Impact on the Male and Female Reproductive Tract Not specified 10/5/2020 and 7/16/2023 Not specified
NIH - NCATS, NCCIH, NCI, NHGRI, NIA, NIAAA, NIAID, NIBIB, NICHD, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NIMHD, NINR, NLM, ORWH, OSC PA-20-135 - Emergency Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Awards (Emergency Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2025 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NICHD, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, NCATS, OBSSR, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-019 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Data Coordination Center (DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIAID, NIAMS, NICHD, NIMHD, FIC, NHLBI, NIDA RFA-OD-20-023 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Predicting Viral-Associated Inflammatory Disease Severity in Children with Laboratory Diagnostics and Artificial Intelligence (PreVAIL kIds) (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NICHD NOT-HD-20-017 - Notice of NICHD Participation in NOT-EB-20-012 "Notice of Change in Application Due Date for PAR-19-215 Due to Public Health Emergency for United States Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified Not specified Not specified
Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.
OBSSR - NCCIH, NCI, NHGRI, NHLBI, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NINR, ODP, ORWH NOT-OD-20-097 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus and the Behavioral and Social Sciences Not specified 4/1/2021 Not specified
OPPNET - NICHD, NINDS, NIMHD, OBSSR, NIDA, NIMH, NCCIH, NIAAA, NINR, NIA NOT-OD-20-103 - Notice of Additional Due Date and Additional Areas of Focus Especially of Interest of PAR-19-373 and PAR-19-384, "Research on Biopsychosocial Factors of Social Connectedness and Isolation on Health, Wellbeing, Illness, and Recovery (R01)/ Not specified 3/17/2021 (3/17/2020; 6/8/2020) Not specified
NIMH - NCCIH, SGMRO, ODP, NIDCD, OBSSR, NEI, NIDA, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIDCR, NINR, NIMHD PAR-20-243 - Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/3/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDCR, NCATS, NIEHS, ORWH, NIDA, OBSSR, NIDCD, SGMRO, NICHD, ODP, NIMH, NHLBI, NIA, NEI, NIDDK NOT-MD-20-022 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Competitive and Administrative Supplements for Community Interventions to Reduce the Impact of COVID-19 on Health Disparity and Other Vulnerable Populations Not specified 12/30/2020 Not specified
NIMH - NICHD, ORWH, NIDCR, NCATS, NIDA, OBSSR, NCCIH, NINR, ODP, NIDCD, NHLBI, NIA, NEI, NIAAA, NIMHD, SGMRO, NIDDK NOT-MH-20-053 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 Not specified 12/30/2020 Not specified
NHGRI - NICHD, NINDS, ORWH, NIMH RFA-HG-20-039 - Laboratory, Data Analysis, and Coordinating Center (LDACC) for the Developmental Genotype-Tissue Expression Project(U24) (Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 11/13/2020 Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, NIMH, ODP, NINR, NIA, SGMRO, NIDDK, NIEHS, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDA, NEI, NIDCR PAR-20-237 - Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 12/2/2020 Not specified
NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified October 26, 2020
per issuance of PA-21-049. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIAID, NIDA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NIDDK, NIMH, NIAAA, NIMHD PA-20-248 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Fellowship for Students at Institutions with NIH-Funded Institutional Predoctoral Dual-Degree Training Programs (Parent F30) Not specified October 26, 2020 per issuance of 
(Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIA, NIDCD, ORWH, NICHD, NINR, NINDS, NIDCR NOT-OD-20-152 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Emergency Competitive Revisions for Chemosensory Testing as a COVID-19 Screening Tool Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NCI, NICHD RFA-OD-20-014 - Emergency Awards: Automatic Detection and Tracing of SARS-CoV-2 (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIA, NIDCD, ORWH, NICHD, NLM, NINR, NINDS, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-022 - Emergency Awards: Chemosensory Testing as a COVID-19 Screening Tool (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-020 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Novel Biosensing for Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring of COVID-19 From Skin and The Oral Cavity (R44 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-017 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Screening for COVID-19 by Electronic-Nose Technology (SCENT) (U18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-021 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Novel Biosensing for Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring of COVID-19 From Skin and The Oral Cavity (Fast-Track STTR Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, OBSSR, NIDA, NINR, ODP, NCCIH, NIMH, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIA, NICHD, ORWH NOT-MD-20-023 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 7/22/2020 Not specified
NIMH - NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NICHD, NINR, OBSSR, ODP, NIDCR, NIDA, NEI NOT-MH-20-058 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Digital healthcare interventions to address the secondary health effects related to social, behavioral, and economic impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 7/20/2020 Not specified
NICHD NOT-HD-20-016 - NICHD Late Application Policy for Institutional Training Grants to RFA-HD-21-014 Due to Public Health Emergency for United States Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified 5/17/2020 Not specified
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.

Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

Institute of Museum and Library Services CAG-NANH-FY20 - CARES Act Grants for Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum and Library Services $1,200,000 6/12/2020 50
Institute of Museum and Library Services CAG-ML-FY20 - CARES Act Grants for Museums and Libraries Up to $500,000 with total funding of $13,800,000 6/12/2020 Not specified
For current information on National Cancer Institute COVID-19 funding notices and archive, go to NCI Funding Announcements and Notices for COVID-19
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NINDS, ORIP, NIMHD, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIAMS, NIEHS, NCATS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI NOT-OD-20-129 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Individuals with Down Syndrome for the INCLUDE Project Not specified 7/13/2021 Not specified
NIH - NIAID, NICHD, NIDA, NCI, NEI, NIA, NIAAA, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NIDCD, NIMHD PA-18-935 - Urgent Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Urgent Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 1/25/2022 Not specified
NIMHD, NCI, NIDA, NLM, ODP, OBSSR, NIMH, NIAMS NOT-MD-20-025 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Simulation Modeling and Systems Science to Address Health Disparities Not specified 5/8/2023 Not specified
NIH, NIDA, NIMH, NLM, NIDCR, OBSSR, NIMHD, NIEHS, NIAAA, NINR, NCI, NIAID, NIBIB, NIAMS, NHLBI PAR-20-238 - Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2023 Not specified
NIH - NCATS, NCCIH, NCI, NEI, NHGRI, NIA, NIAAA, NIAID, NIBIB, NICHD, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NIMHD, NINR, NLM, ORWH, OSC PA-20-135 - Emergency Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Awards (Emergency Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2025 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 8/7/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIDCR, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIA, NCCIH, ODP NOT-OD-20-121 - Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 8/7/2020 Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIAMS, NIA, NICHD, FIC, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINR, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, ODP RFA-OD-20-013 - Emergency Awards: RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Optional) $7,500,000 8/7/2020 Not specified
National Cancer Institute NOT-CA-20-054 - Notice of Information: Contributing to the Global COVID-19 Crisis Response by Allowing Some NCI-supported Projects to be Redirected to COVID-19-related Research During the Crisis Not specified Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NCI NOT-CA-21-033 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplement Opportunity to Study the Impact of COVID-19 on Global Cancer Prevention and Control Not specified 3/31/2021 Not specified
OBSSR - NCCIH, NCI, NHGRI, NHLBI, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NINR, ODP, ORWH NOT-OD-20-097 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus and the Behavioral and Social Sciences Not specified 4/1/2021 Not specified
NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified October 26, 2020
per issuance of PA-21-049. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIAID, NIDA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NIDDK, NIMH, NIAAA, NIMHD PA-20-248 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Fellowship for Students at Institutions with NIH-Funded Institutional Predoctoral Dual-Degree Training Programs (Parent F30) Not specified October 26, 2020 per issuance of 
(Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NIAMS, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS PA-20-247 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Senior Fellowship (Parent F33) Not specified October 23, 2020 per issuance of PA-21-047. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NCI, NICHD RFA-OD-20-014 - Emergency Awards: Automatic Detection and Tracing of SARS-CoV-2 (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NCI NOT-CA-20-082 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): National Cancer Institute (NCI) Emergency Administrative Supplements for Research and Training Continuity of Postdoctoral Fellows during Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not Specified 8/15/2020 Not Specified
National Cancer Institute NOT-CA-20-076 - Notice of Clarification to Key Dates for RFA-CA-20-039 "Emergency Awards: Research Projects in SARS-CoV-2 Serological Sciences (U01 Clinical Trial Optional)" Not specified 7/23/2020 Not specified
National Cancer Institute RFA-CA-20-038 - Emergency Awards: SARS-CoV-2 Serological Sciences Centers of Excellence (U54 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 7/23/2020 Not specified
NCI - NIAID RFA-CA-20-039 - Emergency Awards: Research Projects in SARS-CoV-2 Serological Sciences (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 7/23/2020 Not specified
NCI - NIH NOT-CA-20-077 - Request for Proposals (RFP) Solicitation S20-119: Serological Sciences Network Capacity Building Centers Not specified 7/16/2020 4-8 Anticipated
National Cancer Institute NOT-CA-20-069 - Notice of Change: Late Application Policy for June 17, 2020, Application Due Date of PAR-19-242, Paul Calabresi Career Development Award for Clinical Oncology (K12 Clinical Trial Optional) Due to Public Health Emergency for US Coronavirus Disease 2019 Not specified 7/1/2020 Not specified
National Cancer Institute NOT-CA-20-068 - Late Application Policy for May 25, 2020, Application Due Date of NCI's Cancer Research Education Grants Program (R25) Funding Opportunity Announcements PAR-18-476, PAR-18-477, and PAR-18-478 Due to Public Health Emergency for US Coronavirus Disease 2019 Not specified 6/30/2020 Not specified
National Cancer Institute NOT-CA-20-042 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): National Cancer Institute Announcement Regarding Availability of Urgent Competitive Revision and Administrative Supplements on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified 6/26/2020 Not specified
National Cancer Institute NOT-CA-20-043 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): National Cancer Institute Announcement regarding Availability of Competitive Revision SBIR/STTR Supplements on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified 6/26/2020 Not specified
National Cancer Institute NOT-CA-20-074 - Pre-Application Webinar for NCI's Serological Sciences Network Funding Opportunities (RFA-CA-20-038, RFA-CA-20-039) Not specified 6/18/2020 Not specified
National Cancer Institute NOT-CA-20-065 - Request for Information (RFI): Strategy for Research in Coronavirus Serology Testing and Serological Sciences Not specified 5/26/2020 Not specified
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
NCATS NOT-TR-21-011 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Emergency Administrative Supplements to Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program Awards to Address 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Public Health Needs (12/17/2020) Not specified 6/2/2021 Not specified
NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NCATS NOT-TR-20-011 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program Applications to Address 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Public Heath Need Not specified 7/10/2021 Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NINDS, ORIP, NIMHD, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIAMS, NIEHS, NCATS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI NOT-OD-20-129 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Individuals with Down Syndrome for the INCLUDE Project Not specified 7/13/2021 Not specified
NCATS NOT-TR-20-016 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements for Tissue Chips Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Not specified 1/26/2022 Not specified
NCATS NOT-TR-20-017 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Emergency Competitive Revisions to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements for Tissue Chips Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Not specified 1/26/2022 Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified 5/8/2023 Not specified
NCATS NOT-TR-21-022 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Emergency Competitive Revisions for the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program to Address COVID-19 Public Health Needs  Not specified 8/17/2024 Not specified
NCATS NOT-TR-21-017 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements for the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program to Address COVID-19 Public Health Needs Not specified 8/17/2024 Not specified
NIH - NCATS, NCCIH, NCI, NHGRI, NIA, NIAAA, NIAID, NIBIB, NICHD, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NIMHD, NINR, NLM, ORWH, OSC PA-20-135 - Emergency Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Awards (Emergency Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2025 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

NCATS NOT-TR-21-006 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Repurposing Existing Therapeutics to Address the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) (10/26/2020) Not specified 3/17/2021 Not specified
NCATS NOT-TR-20-018 - Notice of Change in Eligibility and Activity Codes for NOT-TR-20-011, Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program Applications to Address 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Public Heath Need Not specified Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NCATS NOT-TR-21-006 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Repurposing Existing Therapeutics to Address the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) (10/26/2020) Not specified 3/17/2021 Not specified
NIMH - NCCIH, SGMRO, ODP, NIDCD, OBSSR, NEI, NIDA, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIDCR, NINR, NIMHD PAR-20-243 - Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/3/2021 Not specified
NCATS & NIH RFA-TR-20-003 - Urgent Phase I/II Clinical Trials to Repurpose Existing Therapeutic Agents to Treat COVID-19 Sequelae (U01 Clinical Trial Required) Not specified 1/24/2021 Not specified
NCATS RFA-TR-20-003 - Urgent Phase I/II Clinical Trials to Repurpose Existing Therapeutic Agents to Treat COVID-19 Sequelae (U01 Clinical Trial Required) Not specified 1/25/2021 Not specified
NIH - FIC, NCATS, NCCIH, NCI, NEI, NHGRI, NHLBI, NIA, NIAAA, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NICHD, NIDA, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NIMHD, NINDS, NINR, NLM, ORIP, OBSSR, ORWH, OSC PA-18-591 - Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 1/26/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDCR, NCATS, NIEHS, ORWH, NIDA, OBSSR, NIDCD, SGMRO, NICHD, ODP, NIMH, NHLBI, NIA, NEI, NIDDK NOT-MD-20-022 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Competitive and Administrative Supplements for Community Interventions to Reduce the Impact of COVID-19 on Health Disparity and Other Vulnerable Populations Not specified 12/30/2020 Not specified
NIMH - NICHD, ORWH, NIDCR, NCATS, NIDA, OBSSR, NCCIH, NINR, ODP, NIDCD, NHLBI, NIA, NEI, NIAAA, NIMHD, SGMRO, NIDDK NOT-MH-20-053 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 Not specified 12/30/2020 Not specified
NCATS / NIH NOT-TR-20-029 - New Administrative Supplement Applications to UL1 and U24 CTSA Awards to Address COVID-19 Public Heath Need Not specified 11/11/2020 1-2 U24, 1-10 U54
NCATS NOT-TR-20-028 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Emergency Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements to Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program Awards to Address 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Public Health Needs Not specified 11/11/2020 Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, NIMH, ODP, NINR, NIA, SGMRO, NIDDK, NIEHS, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDA, NEI, NIDCR PAR-20-237 - Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 12/2/2020 Not specified
NCATS NOT-TR-20-012 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Repurposing Existing Therapeutics to Address the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Not specified 10/17/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NICHD, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, NCATS, OBSSR, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-019 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Data Coordination Center (DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NICHD, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, NCATS, OBSSR, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-019 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Data Coordination Center (DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-021 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Novel Biosensing for Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring of COVID-19 From Skin and The Oral Cavity (Fast-Track STTR Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIA, NCI, RM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA, NHGRI RFA-OD-20-018 - Emergency Awards: Exosome-based Non-traditional Technologies Towards Multi-Parametric and Integrated Approaches for SARS-CoV-2 (U18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-020 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Novel Biosensing for Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring of COVID-19 From Skin and The Oral Cavity (R44 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-017 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Screening for COVID-19 by Electronic-Nose Technology (SCENT) (U18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-021 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Novel Biosensing for Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring of COVID-19 From Skin and The Oral Cavity (Fast-Track STTR Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIDCR, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIA, NCCIH, ODP NOT-OD-20-121 - Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 8/8/2020 Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIAMS, NIA, NICHD, FIC, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINR, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, ODP RFA-OD-20-013 - Emergency Awards: RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Optional) $7,500,000 8/8/2020 Not specified
For current information on NCCIH's COVID-19 funding, go to NCCIH's New NIH High-Risk, High-Reward Funding Opportunities on SARS-CoV-2 notice.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NINDS, ORIP, NIMHD, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIAMS, NIEHS, NCATS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI NOT-OD-20-129 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Individuals with Down Syndrome for the INCLUDE Project Not specified 7/13/2021 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

NCCIH NOT-AT-20-018 - Notice of Participation of NCCIH in PAR-19-342, "Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) Institutionally-Focused Research Education Award to Promote Diversity (UE5 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)" Not specified Not specified Not specified
NCCIH NOT-AT-20-019 - Notice of Participation of NCCIH in PAR-19-343, "Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity (K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)" Not specified Not specified Not specified
NCCIH - NIAAA, ODP, NIA NOT-AT-20-011 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Administrative Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on Stress Management in Relation to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NIMH - NCCIH, SGMRO, ODP, NIDCD, OBSSR, NEI, NIDA, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIDCR, NINR, NIMHD PAR-20-243 - Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/3/2021 Not specified
NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified October 26, 2020
per issuance of PA-21-049. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, NIMH, ODP, NINR, NIA, SGMRO, NIDDK, NIEHS, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDA, NEI, NIDCR PAR-20-237 - Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 12/2/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NICHD, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, NCATS, OBSSR, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-019 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Data Coordination Center (DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NCI, NICHD RFA-OD-20-014 - Emergency Awards: Automatic Detection and Tracing of SARS-CoV-2 (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NCCIH NOT-AT-20-012 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Administrative Supplements & Urgent Competitive Revisions to NCCIH Grants for Natural Product Research on Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) & Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified 8/18/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIDCR, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIA, NCCIH, ODP NOT-OD-20-121 - Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 8/8/2020 Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIAMS, NIA, NICHD, FIC, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINR, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, ODP RFA-OD-20-013 - Emergency Awards: RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Optional) $7,500,000 8/8/2020 Not specified
For more information about the Department of Health and Human Services COVID-19 updates, go to HHS Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates.


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.
HHS - National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases CDC-RFA-CK20-2003 - Improving Clinical and Public Health Outcomes through National Partnerships to Prevent and Control Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Disease Threats Not specified 7/31/2020 Not specified
For more information about the Department of Health and Human Services COVID-19 updates, go to HHS Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates.


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

HHS - National Center for Environmental Health CDC-RFA-EH20-20030101SUPP20 - National Public Health Surveillance for Chemical and Radiologic Exposures and Emerging Drug Threats - COVID-19 Supplemental Up to $750,000 with total funding of $2,250,000 8/19/2020 Not specified
For current National Council on Disability COVID-related information, go to NCD's COVID page.


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

National Council of Disability NCD-20-04 - Development of 2021 Progress Report: COVID-19's Broadscale Impact on the Lives of People with Disabilities $150,000 8/21/2020 1
National Council of Disability NCD-20-04 - Pre-Solicitation for 2021 Progress Report - Covid-19's Broadscale Impact on People with Disabilities $150,000 8/21/2020 Not specified
National Council on Disability NCD-20-05 - COVID-19's Broadscale Impact on the Lives of People with Disabilities $150,000 8/21/2020 1
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH, NIA, NEI, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMH, NIMHD, OBSSR, ORWH PAR-21-213 - NIH - Emergency Award: Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research on COVID-19 Consortium (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 6/9/2021, 10/8/2021, and 11/9/2021 Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified October 26, 2020
per issuance of PA-21-049. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIAID, NIDA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NIDDK, NIMH, NIAAA, NIMHD PA-20-248 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Fellowship for Students at Institutions with NIH-Funded Institutional Predoctoral Dual-Degree Training Programs (Parent F30) Not specified October 26, 2020 per issuance of 
(Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NINDS, ORIP, NIMHD, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIAMS, NIEHS, NCATS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI NOT-OD-20-129 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Individuals with Down Syndrome for the INCLUDE Project Not specified 7/13/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIAID, NIAMS, NCI, ORWH, NIMH, NINR, OBSSR, ODP, NHLBI, NIDCR, SGMRO NOT-MD-21-008 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research to Address Vaccine Hesitancy, Uptake, and Implementation among Populations that Experience Health Disparities Not specified 1/8/2022 Not specified
NHLBI NOT-HL-20-814 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): The Influence of Host Resilience on Heterogeneity of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome/Acute Lung Injury (ARDS/ALI) Not specified

10/5/2020 until 7/6/2024

Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

NHLBI Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Emergency Competitive Revisions on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for Currently Active NHLBI Phase I-III Clinical Trials Not specified 8/1/2020 Not specified
NHLBI NOT-HL-20-806 - NHLBI confirms participation in NOT-OD-20-119, NOT-OD-20-120, and NOT-OD-20-121 (Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations) Not specified Not specified Not specified
NHLBI NHLBI Withdraws Participation in NOT-MD-20-022 "Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Competitive and Administrative Supplements for Community Interventions to Reduce the Impact of COVID-19 on Health Disparity and Other Vulnerable Populations" Not specified 7/31/2020 Not specified
NHLBI NOT-HL-20-801 - Notice of NHLBI Participation in NOT-OD-20-097 "NOSI regarding Availability of Admin Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus and the Behavioral and Social Sciences Not specified 7/31/2020 Not specified
NHLBI NOT-HL-20-799 - Notice of NHLBI Participation in NOT-OD-20-097 "Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus and the Behavioral and Social Sciences" Not specified 7/31/2020 Not specified
NHLBI NOT-HL-20-800 - Notice of Expiration of NOT-HL-20-782 "Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Emergency Competitive Revisions on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for Currently Active NHLBI Phase I-III Clinical Trials" Not specified 7/31/2020 Not specified
NHLBI NOT-HL-20-803 - Notice of NHLBI Participation in NOT-OD-20-119 "Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations" Not specified 7/31/2020 Not specified
NHLBI NOT-HL-20-805 - Notice of NHLBI Participation in NOT-OD-20-121 "Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations" Not specified 7/31/2020 Not specified
NHLBI Notice of Expiration of NOT-HL-20-757 "Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Administrative Supplements and Revision Supplements on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)" Not specified 5/7/2020 Not specified
NHLBI NOT-HL-20-804 - Notice of NHLBI Participation in NOT-OD-20-120 "Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations" Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.
NIH, NIDA, NIMH, NLM, NIDCR, OBSSR, NIMHD, NIEHS, NIAAA, NINR, NCI, NIAID, NIBIB, NIAMS, NHLBI PAR-20-238 - Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 4/17/2021 Not specified
NIDCR and NHLBI NOT-OD-21-035 - Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions For Novel Biosensing for Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring of COVID-19 from Skin and the Oral Cavity for Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics Radical (RADx-rad) Not specified 12/5/2020 Not specified
NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified October 26, 2020
per issuance of PA-21-049. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIAID, NIDA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NIDDK, NIMH, NIAAA, NIMHD PA-20-248 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Fellowship for Students at Institutions with NIH-Funded Institutional Predoctoral Dual-Degree Training Programs (Parent F30) Not specified October 26, 2020 per issuance of 
(Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NICHD, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, NCATS, OBSSR, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-019 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Data Coordination Center (DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIAID, NIAMS, NICHD, NIMHD, FIC, NHLBI, NIDA RFA-OD-20-023 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Predicting Viral-Associated Inflammatory Disease Severity in Children with Laboratory Diagnostics and Artificial Intelligence (PreVAIL kIds) (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIA, NCI, RM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA, NHGRI RFA-OD-20-018 - Emergency Awards: Exosome-based Non-traditional Technologies Towards Multi-Parametric and Integrated Approaches for SARS-CoV-2 (U18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-020 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Novel Biosensing for Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring of COVID-19 From Skin and The Oral Cavity (R44 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-017 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Screening for COVID-19 by Electronic-Nose Technology (SCENT) (U18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-021 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Novel Biosensing for Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring of COVID-19 From Skin and The Oral Cavity (Fast-Track STTR Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
For more AHRQ COVID-19 related information, visit AHRQ's Funding Opportunities: COVID-19 Pandemic page.
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

Agency for Health Care Research and Quality NOT-HS-20-008 - Notice of Intent: New Funding Opportunity Announcement to Support Novel, High-Impact Studies Evaluating Health System and Healthcare Professional Responsiveness to COVID-19 Not specified 5/30/2020 Not specified
Agency for Health Care Research and Quality NOT-HS-20-007 - Notice of Intent: Revision Supplements to Existing AHRQ Grants and Cooperative Agreements to Address Health System Responsiveness to COVID-19 Not specified Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities

Agency for Health Care Research and Quality RFA-HS-20-003 - Novel, High-Impact Studies Evaluating Health System and Healthcare Professional Responsiveness to COVID-19 (R01) Not specified 6/15/2020 Not specified
For more NIA COVID-19 related information, visit NIA COVID-19 Response page.
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH, NIA, OBSSR, ORWH RFA-AG-21-035: Emergency Award: Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research on COVID-19 Consortium Coordinating Center (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Up To $500,000 6/9/2021 Not specified
NIH, NIA, NEI, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMH, MINHD, OBSSR, ORWH PAR-21-213 - NIH - Emergency Award: Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research on COVID-19 Consortium (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 6/9/2021, 10/8/2021, and 11/9/2021 Not specified
NIA NOT-AG-21-016 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Neurological and Neurocognitive Sequelae from SARS-CoV-2 Infection and COVID-19 in Aging and Age-Related Neurodegeneration Not specified 5/8/2023 Not specified
NIA NOT-AG-21-015 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Aging-Relevant Behavioral and Social Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified 5/8/2023 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements


NOT-AG-20-060 - Notice of NIA Withdrawal from Participation in NOT-MD-20-022, "Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Competitive and Administrative Supplements for Community Interventions to Reduce the Impact of COVID-19 on Health Disparity and Other Vulnerable Populations" (11/17/2020)

Not specified Withdrawal on 11/17/2020 Not specified

NOT-AG-20-059 - Notice of NIA Withdrawal from Participation in NOT-MH-20-053, "Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19" (11/17/2020)

Not specified Withdrawal on 11/17/2020 Not specified

NOT-AG-20-058 - Notice of NIA Withdrawal from Participation in NOT-OD-20-097 "Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus and the Behavioral and Social Sciences (11/17/2020)

Not specified Withdrawal on 11/17/2020 Not specified

NOT-AG-20-057 - Notice of NIA Withdrawal from Participation in NOT-MH-20-047 "Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for Mental Health Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus" (11/17/2020)

Not specified Withdrawal on 11/17/2020 Not specified

NOT-AG-20-056 - Notice of NIA Withdrawal from Participation in NOT-MD-20-019 "Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Competitive and Administrative Supplements for the Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on Minority Health and Health Disparities" (11/17/2020)

Not specified Withdrawal on 11/17/2020 Not specified
NIA NOT-AG-20-031 - Frequently Asked Questions for NOT-AG-20-022 Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): NIA Availability of Administrative Supplements and Revision Supplements on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NIA - NIMH NOT-AG-20-022 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): NIA Availability of Administrative Supplements and Revision Supplements on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified 5/1/2021 Not specified
NIMH - NCCIH, SGMRO, ODP, NIDCD, OBSSR, NEI, NIDA, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIDCR, NINR, NIMHD PAR-20-243 - Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/3/2021 Not specified
NIA - NIH PAR-20-234 - NIA Multi-site COVID-19 Related Clinical Trial Implementation Grant on Aging-Related Topics in at-risk Older Adult Populations (R01 Clinical Trial Required) Not specified 2/2/2021 Not specified
NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified October 26, 2020
per issuance of PA-21-049. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIAID, NIDA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NIDDK, NIMH, NIAAA, NIMHD PA-20-248 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Fellowship for Students at Institutions with NIH-Funded Institutional Predoctoral Dual-Degree Training Programs (Parent F30) Not specified October 26, 2020 per issuance of 
(Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NIAMS, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS PA-20-247 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Senior Fellowship (Parent F33) Not specified October 23, 2020 per issuance of PA-21-047. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023 Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, NIMH, ODP, NINR, NIA, SGMRO, NIDDK, NIEHS, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDA, NEI, NIDCR PAR-20-237 - Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 12/2/2020 Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NINDS, ORIP, NIMHD, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIAMS, NIEHS, NCATS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI NOT-OD-20-129 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Individuals with Down Syndrome for the INCLUDE Project Not specified 7/13/2021 per NOT-AG-20-055 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NICHD, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, NCATS, OBSSR, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-019 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Data Coordination Center (DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIA, NIDCD, ORWH, NICHD, NINR, NINDS, NIDCR NOT-OD-20-152 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Emergency Competitive Revisions for Chemosensory Testing as a COVID-19 Screening Tool Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NCI, NICHD RFA-OD-20-014 - Emergency Awards: Automatic Detection and Tracing of SARS-CoV-2 (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIA, NCI, RM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA, NHGRI RFA-OD-20-018 - Emergency Awards: Exosome-based Non-traditional Technologies Towards Multi-Parametric and Integrated Approaches for SARS-CoV-2 (U18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-017 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Screening for COVID-19 by Electronic-Nose Technology (SCENT) (U18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
For current information on National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism's COVID-19 funding notices, administrative supplements, and archive, go to NIAAA's Funding Opportunities.
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.


NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH, NIA, NEI, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMH, MINHD, OBSSR, ORWH PAR-21-213 - NIH - Emergency Award: Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research on COVID-19 Consortium (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 6/9/2021, 10/8/2021, and 11/9/2021 Not specified
NIMHD, NIAAA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NIDA PAR-20-310 - Health Services Research on Minority Health and Health Disparities (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/28/2023 Not specified
NIH, NIDA, NIMH, NLM, NIDCR, OBSSR, NIMHD, NIEHS, NIAAA, NINR, NCI, NIAID, NIBIB, NIAMS, NHLBI PAR-20-238 - Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2023 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

NIAAA NOT-AA-21-011 - Notice of Clarification of Research Priorities for RFA-AA-21-003 "SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 and Consequences of Alcohol Use (R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) " 3/24/2021
NIAAA NOT-AA-21-010 - Notice of Clarification of Research Priorities for RFA-AA-21-003 "SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 and Consequences of Alcohol Use (R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) 3/24/2021
NIAAA NOT-AA-21-009 - Notice of Clarification of Research Priorities for RFA-AA-21-002 "SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 and Consequences of Alcohol Use (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) 3/24/2021
NIMH - NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NICHD, NINR, OBSSR, ODP, NIDCR, NIDA, NEI NOT-MH-20-058 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Digital healthcare interventions to address the secondary health effects related to social, behavioral, and economic impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NIMHD - NIA, NIAAA, ODP, NIMH NOT-MD-20-019 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Competitive and Administrative Supplements for the Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on Minority Health and Health Disparities Not specified 5/1/2021 Not specified
NIAAA RFA-AA-21-004 SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 and Consequences of Alcohol Use (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) with NOT-AA-21-011 modifications made on 3/24/2021 $50,000 4/15/2021 3
NIAAA RFA-AA-21-002 - SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 and Consequences of Alcohol Use (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) with NOT-AA-21-009 modifications made on 3/24/2021 $50,000 4/15/2021 3

RFA-AA-21-003 - SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 and Consequences of Alcohol Use (R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) with NOT-AA-21-010  modications made on 3/24/2021

150,000 4/15/2021 3

NOT-AA-21-001 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 and Consequences of Alcohol Use (R01 Clinical Trials Not Allowed)

$250,000 4/15/2021 3
NIAAA NOT-AA-20-011 - Notice of Special Interest:  Availability of Administrative Supplements and Competitive Revision Supplements on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) within the Mission of NIAAA Not specified 4/16/2021 Not specified
NIMH - NCCIH, SGMRO, ODP, NIDCD, OBSSR, NEI, NIDA, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIDCR, NINR, NIMHD PAR-20-243 - Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/3/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDCR, NCATS, NIEHS, ORWH, NIDA, OBSSR, NIDCD, SGMRO, NICHD, ODP, NIMH, NHLBI, NIA, NEI, NIDDK NOT-MD-20-022 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Competitive and Administrative Supplements for Community Interventions to Reduce the Impact of COVID-19 on Health Disparity and Other Vulnerable Populations Not specified 12/30/2020 Not specified
NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified October 26, 2020
per issuance of PA-21-049. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIAID, NIDA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NIDDK, NIMH, NIAAA, NIMHD PA-20-248 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Fellowship for Students at Institutions with NIH-Funded Institutional Predoctoral Dual-Degree Training Programs (Parent F30) Not specified October 26, 2020 per issuance of 
(Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, NIMH, ODP, NINR, NIA, SGMRO, NIDDK, NIEHS, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDA, NEI, NIDCR PAR-20-237 - Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 12/2/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NICHD, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, NCATS, OBSSR, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-019 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Data Coordination Center (DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIDDK, NIGMS, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, OBSSR, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-016 - Emergency Awards: RADx-RAD Multimodal COVID-19 surveillance methods for high risk clustered populations (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NCI, NICHD RFA-OD-20-014 - Emergency Awards: Automatic Detection and Tracing of SARS-CoV-2 (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-020 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Novel Biosensing for Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring of COVID-19 From Skin and The Oral Cavity (R44 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-017 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Screening for COVID-19 by Electronic-Nose Technology (SCENT) (U18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-021 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Novel Biosensing for Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring of COVID-19 From Skin and The Oral Cavity (Fast-Track STTR Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIDCR, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIA, NCCIH, ODP NOT-OD-20-121 - Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 8/8/2020 Not specified
For current information on National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases COVID-19 funding notices, administrative supplements, and archive, go to Updates on NIAID Funding for SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-2019 Research.
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NINDS, ORIP, NIMHD, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIAMS, NIEHS, NCATS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI NOT-OD-20-129 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Individuals with Down Syndrome for the INCLUDE Project Not specified 7/13/2021 Not specified
NIAID NOT-AI-20-065 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Emergency Awards for Limited Clinical Trials to Evaluate Therapeutic and Vaccine Candidates Against SARS-CoV-2

Not specified

9/1/2021 Not specified
NIAID, NIDA, NIMH NOT-AI-21-057: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) HIV/AIDS in the Era of COVID-19: When Pandemics Collide 

Refer to

PA-20-195 and 


9/7/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIAID, NIAMS, NCI, ORWH, NIMH, NINR, OBSSR, ODP, NHLBI, NIDCR, SGMRO NOT-MD-21-008 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research to Address Vaccine Hesitancy, Uptake, and Implementation among Populations that Experience Health Disparities Not specified 1/8/2022 Not specified
NIH - NIAID, NICHD, NIDA, NCI, NEI, NIA, NIAAA, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NIDCD, NIMHD PA-18-935 - Urgent Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Urgent Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 1/25/2022 Not specified
NIH, NIDA, NIMH, NLM, NIDCR, OBSSR, NIMHD, NIEHS, NIAAA, NINR, NCI, NIAID, NIBIB, NIAMS, NHLBI PAR-20-238 - Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2023 Not specified
NIH - NCATS, NCCIH, NCI, NHGRI, NIA, NIAAA, NIAID, NIBIB, NICHD, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NIMHD, NINR, NLM, ORWH, OSC PA-20-135 - Emergency Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Awards (Emergency Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2025 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

NIAID PAR-20-177 - Emergency Awards: Rapid Investigation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 4/30/2021 Not specified

NOT-AI-21-036 - Notice of Early Expiration of NOT-AI-20-065 “Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Emergency Awards for Limited Clinical Trials to Evaluate Therapeutic and Vaccine Candidates Against SARS-CoV-2

Not specified  2/18/2021 Not specified
NIAID NOT-AI-20-066 - Notice of Early Expiration of NOT-AI-20-051 “Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Select Research Areas for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified 9/8/2020 Not specified
NIAID NOT-AI-20-063 - Notice of Expiration of PAR-20-177 "Emergency Awards: Rapid Investigation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) /and /Coronavirus Disease 2019 Not specified 7/14/2020 Not specified
NIAID NOT-AI-20-062 - Due date change for PAR-20-178 - Emergency Awards: Rapid Investigation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 7/14/2020 Not specified
NIAID NOT-AI-20-058 - Notice of Early Expiration of "Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Emergency Competitive Revisions for Research on Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIAID - NIGMS NOT-AI-20-040 - Notice of Early Expiration of Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), NOT-AI-20-030 Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIAID NOT-AI-20-050 - Notice of Early Expiration of Notice of Special Interest (NOSI):  Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)," NOT-AI-20-031 Not specified Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NIAID NOT-CA-20-080 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Emergency Competitive Revisions for Select Research Activities related to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified 7/2/2021 Not specified
NIAID NOT-AI-20-059 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Emergency Competitive Revisions for Select Research Activities related to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified 7/2/2021 Not specified
NIAID PAR-20-256 - Limited Competition Emergency Awards: Shared Personal Protective Equipment Resources for COVID-19 Related Vaccine and Treatment Clinical Trials and Clinical Studies (S10 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 7/8/2021 Not specified
NIAID & NIEHS RFA-AI-20-077 - Immune Development in Early Life (IDEaL) (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)  Not specified 6/5/2021 Not specified

RFA-AI-20-078 - Immune Development in Early Life (IDEaL) (U19 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) 

Not specified 6/5/2021 Not specified
NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIAID NOT-AI-21-002 - Emergency Awards: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) on Pan-Coronavirus Vaccine Development Program Projects Not specified 1/11/2021 & 6/12/2021 Not specified
NIAID PAR-21-083 - NIAID Clinical Trial Implementation Cooperative Agreement (U01 Clinical Trial Required) Not specified 3/15/2021 as per NOT-AI-21-036 Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified October 26, 2020
per issuance of PA-21-049. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIAID, NIDA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NIDDK, NIMH, NIAAA, NIMHD PA-20-248 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Fellowship for Students at Institutions with NIH-Funded Institutional Predoctoral Dual-Degree Training Programs (Parent F30) Not specified October 26, 2020 per issuance of 
(Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIAID, NIAMS, NICHD, NIMHD, FIC, NHLBI, NIDA RFA-OD-20-023 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Predicting Viral-Associated Inflammatory Disease Severity in Children with Laboratory Diagnostics and Artificial Intelligence (PreVAIL kIds) (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIAID NOT-AI-20-051 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Select Research Areas for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified 9/8/2020 - DUE DATE CHANGE per NOT-AI-20-066 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIAID NOT-AI-20-031 - RESCINDED - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified RESCINDED - 4/5/2021 Not specified
NCI - NIAID RFA-CA-20-038 - Emergency Awards: SARS-CoV-2 Serological Sciences Centers of Excellence (U54 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 7/23/2020 Not specified
NCI - NIAID RFA-CA-20-039 - Emergency Awards: Research Projects in SARS-CoV-2 Serological Sciences (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 7/23/2020 Not specified
NIAID PAR-20-178 - Emergency Awards: Rapid Investigation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 7/14/2020 *DATE CHANGE Not specified
NIAID NOT-AI-20-034 - RESCINDED - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Emergency Competitive Revisions for Research on Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified 3/25/2020 Not specified
NIAID - NIGMS NOT-AI-20-030 - RESCINDED - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Not specified 4/8/2020 Not specified
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NINDS, ORIP, NIMHD, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIAMS, NIEHS, NCATS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI NOT-OD-20-129 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Individuals with Down Syndrome for the INCLUDE Project Not specified 7/13/2021 Not specified
NIAMS NOT-AR-21-012 - Notice of Special Interest: Promoting Research on COVID-19 and Rheumatic, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Not specified 11/19/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIAID, NIAMS, NCI, ORWH, NIMH, NINR, OBSSR, ODP, NHLBI, NIDCR, SGMRO NOT-MD-21-008 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research to Address Vaccine Hesitancy, Uptake, and Implementation among Populations that Experience Health Disparities Not specified 1/8/2022 Not specified
NIMHD, NCI, NIDA, NLM, ODP, OBSSR, NIMH, NIAMS NOT-MD-20-025 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Simulation Modeling and Systems Science to Address Health Disparities Not specified 5/8/2023 Not specified
NIH, NIDA, NIMH, NLM, NIDCR, OBSSR, NIMHD, NIEHS, NIAAA, NINR, NCI, NIAID, NIBIB, NIAMS, NHLBI PAR-20-238 - Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2023 Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified October 26, 2020
per issuance of PA-21-049. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NIAMS, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS PA-20-247 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Senior Fellowship (Parent F33) Not specified October 23, 2020 per issuance of PA-21-047. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023 Not specified
NIAID, NIAMS, NICHD, NIMHD, FIC, NHLBI, NIDA RFA-OD-20-023 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Predicting Viral-Associated Inflammatory Disease Severity in Children with Laboratory Diagnostics and Artificial Intelligence (PreVAIL kIds) (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-020 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Novel Biosensing for Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring of COVID-19 From Skin and The Oral Cavity (R44 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-017 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Screening for COVID-19 by Electronic-Nose Technology (SCENT) (U18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-021 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Novel Biosensing for Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring of COVID-19 From Skin and The Oral Cavity (Fast-Track STTR Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
For current information on National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering COVID-19 funding opportunities, notices, administrative supplements, go to NIBIB's COVID-19 page.
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.


NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH, NIDA, NIMH, NLM, NIDCR, OBSSR, NIMHD, NIEHS, NIAAA, NINR, NCI, NIAID, NIBIB, NIAMS, NHLBI PAR-20-238 - Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2023 Not specified
NIH - NCATS, NCCIH, NCI, NHGRI, NIA, NIAAA, NIAID, NIBIB, NICHD, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NIMHD, NINR, NLM, ORWH, OSC PA-20-135 - Emergency Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Awards (Emergency Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2025 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

NIBIB NOT-EB-20-012 - Notice of Change in Application Due Date for PAR-19-215 Due to Public Health Emergency for United States Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified October 26, 2020
per issuance of PA-21-049. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIAAA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-020 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Novel Biosensing for Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring of COVID-19 From Skin and The Oral Cavity (R44 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-017 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Screening for COVID-19 by Electronic-Nose Technology (SCENT) (U18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-021 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Novel Biosensing for Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring of COVID-19 From Skin and The Oral Cavity (Fast-Track STTR Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIBIB NOT-EB-20-006: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Emergency Competitive Revision and Administrative Supplements on Biomedical Technologies for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified 9/4/2020
Date Change per NOT-EB-20-014
Not specified
NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIBIB NOT-EB-20-007 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Development of Biomedical Technologies for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified 8/29/2020
Date Change per 


Not specified
NIBIB NOT-EB-20-008 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Emergency Competitive Revision and Administrative Supplements on Biomedical Technologies for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified 8/29/2020 
Date Change per NOT-EB-20-016
Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIAMS, NIA, NICHD, FIC, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINR, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, ODP RFA-OD-20-013 - Emergency Awards: RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Optional) $7,500,000 8/8/2020 Not specified
NIBIB PA-18-680 - Administrative Supplement for the NIBIB Research Education Programs for Residents and Clinical Fellows (Admin Supp Clilnical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 6/18/2020 Not specified
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NINDS, ORIP, NIMHD, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIAMS, NIEHS, NCATS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI NOT-OD-20-129 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Individuals with Down Syndrome for the INCLUDE Project Not specified 7/13/2021 Not specified
NIH - NIAID, NICHD, NIDA, NCI, NEI, NIA, NIAAA, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NIDCD, NIMHD PA-18-935 - Urgent Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Urgent Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 1/25/2022 Not specified
NIDCD NOT-DC-20-008 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): NIDCD is Interested in Supporting Research on the Impact of  COVID-19 on Mission Specific Sensory and Communication Disorders Not specified 9/8/2022 Not specified
NIH - NCATS, NCCIH, NCI, NHGRI, NIA, NIAAA, NIAID, NIBIB, NICHD, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NIMHD, NINR, NLM, ORWH, OSC PA-20-135 - Emergency Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Awards (Emergency Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2025 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

NIMH - NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NICHD, NINR, OBSSR, ODP, NIDCR, NIDA, NEI NOT-MH-20-058 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Digital healthcare interventions to address the secondary health effects related to social, behavioral, and economic impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, OBSSR, NIDA, NINR, ODP, NCCIH, NIMH, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIA, NICHD, ORWH NOT-MD-20-023 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NIMH - NCCIH, SGMRO, ODP, NIDCD, OBSSR, NEI, NIDA, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIDCR, NINR, NIMHD PAR-20-243 - Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/3/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDCR, NCATS, NIEHS, ORWH, NIDA, OBSSR, NIDCD, SGMRO, NICHD, ODP, NIMH, NHLBI, NIA, NEI, NIDDK NOT-MD-20-022 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Competitive and Administrative Supplements for Community Interventions to Reduce the Impact of COVID-19 on Health Disparity and Other Vulnerable Populations Not specified 12/30/2020 Not specified
NIMH - NICHD, ORWH, NIDCR, NCATS, NIDA, OBSSR, NCCIH, NINR, ODP, NIDCD, NHLBI, NIA, NEI, NIAAA, NIMHD, SGMRO, NIDDK NOT-MH-20-053 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 Not specified 12/30/2020 Not specified
NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified October 26, 2020
per issuance of PA-21-049. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIAID, NIDA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NIDDK, NIMH, NIAAA, NIMHD PA-20-248 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Fellowship for Students at Institutions with NIH-Funded Institutional Predoctoral Dual-Degree Training Programs (Parent F30) Not specified October 26, 2020 per issuance of 
(Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NIAMS, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS PA-20-247 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Senior Fellowship (Parent F33) Not specified October 23, 2020 per issuance of PA-21-047. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023 Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, NIMH, ODP, NINR, NIA, SGMRO, NIDDK, NIEHS, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDA, NEI, NIDCR PAR-20-237 - Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 12/2/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NICHD, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, NCATS, OBSSR, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-019 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Data Coordination Center (DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIA, NIDCD, ORWH, NICHD, NINR, NINDS, NIDCR NOT-OD-20-152 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Emergency Competitive Revisions for Chemosensory Testing as a COVID-19 Screening Tool Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIA, NIDCD, ORWH, NICHD, NLM, NINR, NINDS, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-022 - Emergency Awards: Chemosensory Testing as a COVID-19 Screening Tool (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIAMS, NIA, NICHD, FIC, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINR, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, ODP RFA-OD-20-013 - Emergency Awards: RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Optional) $7,500,000 8/8/2020 Not specified
NIDCD NOT-DC-20-004 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified 6/2/2020 Not specified
For current information on National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research COVID-19 funding notices, go to NIDCR'sFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)-Related Notices of Special Interest (NOSI) NOT-DE-20-022 and NOT-DE-20-023.
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NINDS, ORIP, NIMHD, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIAMS, NIEHS, NCATS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI NOT-OD-20-129 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Individuals with Down Syndrome for the INCLUDE Project Not specified 7/13/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIAID, NIAMS, NCI, ORWH, NIMH, NINR, OBSSR, ODP, NHLBI, NIDCR, SGMRO NOT-MD-21-008 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research to Address Vaccine Hesitancy, Uptake, and Implementation among Populations that Experience Health Disparities Not specified 1/8/2022 Not specified
NIDCR NOT-DE-21-001 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): NIDCR Support for Research on the Physiological Involvement of Oral Cavity in Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified 5/8/2023 Not specified
NIH, NIDA, NIMH, NLM, NIDCR, OBSSR, NIMHD, NIEHS, NIAAA, NINR, NCI, NIAID, NIBIB, NIAMS, NHLBI PAR-20-238 - Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2023 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIDCR - NIH NOT-DE-20-028 - Notice of Technical Assistance Webinar: NIDCR Research Training Opportunities Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIDCR - ORWH NOT-DE-20-022 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI):? Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Research within the Mission of NIDCR Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIDCR NOT-DE-20-023 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Infrastructure Access for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Conducted in the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIDCR NOT-DE-20-025 - NIDCR Announces Availability of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)-Related Notices of Special Interest (NOSI) NOT-DE-20-022 and NOT-DE-20-023 Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIMH - NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NICHD, NINR, OBSSR, ODP, NIDCR, NIDA, NEI NOT-MH-20-058 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Digital healthcare interventions to address the secondary health effects related to social, behavioral, and economic impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, OBSSR, NIDA, NINR, ODP, NCCIH, NIMH, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIA, NICHD, ORWH NOT-MD-20-023 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NIMH - NCCIH, SGMRO, ODP, NIDCD, OBSSR, NEI, NIDA, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIDCR, NINR, NIMHD PAR-20-243 - Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/3/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDCR, NCATS, NIEHS, ORWH, NIDA, OBSSR, NIDCD, SGMRO, NICHD, ODP, NIMH, NHLBI, NIA, NEI, NIDDK NOT-MD-20-022 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Competitive and Administrative Supplements for Community Interventions to Reduce the Impact of COVID-19 on Health Disparity and Other Vulnerable Populations Not specified 12/30/2020 Not specified
NIMH - NICHD, ORWH, NIDCR, NCATS, NIDA, OBSSR, NCCIH, NINR, ODP, NIDCD, NHLBI, NIA, NEI, NIAAA, NIMHD, SGMRO, NIDDK NOT-MH-20-053 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 Not specified 12/30/2020 Not specified
NIDCR and NHLBI NOT-OD-21-035 - Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions For Novel Biosensing for Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring of COVID-19 from Skin and the Oral Cavity for Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics Radical (RADx-rad) Not specified 12/5/2020 Not specified
NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NIAMS, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS PA-20-247 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Senior Fellowship (Parent F33) Not specified October 23, 2020 per issuance of PA-21-047. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023 Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified October 26, 2020
per issuance of PA-21-049. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, NIMH, ODP, NINR, NIA, SGMRO, NIDDK, NIEHS, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDA, NEI, NIDCR PAR-20-237 - Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 12/2/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NICHD, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, NCATS, OBSSR, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-019 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Data Coordination Center (DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIDDK, NIGMS, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, OBSSR, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-016 - Emergency Awards: RADx-RAD Multimodal COVID-19 surveillance methods for high risk clustered populations (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIA, NIDCD, ORWH, NICHD, NINR, NINDS, NIDCR NOT-OD-20-152 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Emergency Competitive Revisions for Chemosensory Testing as a COVID-19 Screening Tool Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIA, NIDCD, ORWH, NICHD, NLM, NINR, NINDS, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-022 - Emergency Awards: Chemosensory Testing as a COVID-19 Screening Tool (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIA, NCI, RM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA, NHGRI RFA-OD-20-018 - Emergency Awards: Exosome-based Non-traditional Technologies Towards Multi-Parametric and Integrated Approaches for SARS-CoV-2 (U18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-020 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Novel Biosensing for Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring of COVID-19 From Skin and The Oral Cavity (R44 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-017 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Screening for COVID-19 by Electronic-Nose Technology (SCENT) (U18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-021 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Novel Biosensing for Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring of COVID-19 From Skin and The Oral Cavity (Fast-Track STTR Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIDCR, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIA, NCCIH, ODP NOT-OD-20-121 - Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 8/8/2020 Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIAMS, NIA, NICHD, FIC, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINR, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, ODP RFA-OD-20-013 - Emergency Awards: RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Optional) $7,500,000 8/8/2020 Not specified
For current information on NIDDK'snbsp;COVID-19 funding notices, administrative supplements,& and research aims, go to NIDDK tackles COVID-19 through research, funding, and clinical care Update.
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.


NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NINDS, ORIP, NIMHD, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIAMS, NIEHS, NCATS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI NOT-OD-20-129 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Individuals with Down Syndrome for the INCLUDE Project Not specified 7/13/2021 Not specified
NIH - NIAID, NICHD, NIDA, NCI, NEI, NIA, NIAAA, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NIDCD, NIMHD PA-18-935 - Urgent Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Urgent Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 1/25/2022 Not specified
NIH - NCATS, NCCIH, NCI, NHGRI, NIA, NIAAA, NIAID, NIBIB, NICHD, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NIMHD, NINR, NLM, ORWH, OSC PA-20-135 - Emergency Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Awards (Emergency Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2025 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

NIDDK NOT-DK-21-001 - Notice of Pre-Application Webinar for RFA-DK-20-021, Mechanistic Studies of the Interaction between SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 and Diseases and Organ Systems of Interest to NIDDK (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIDDK NOT-DK-20-026 - Notice of Additional Activity Code Accepted for "NOT-DK-20-018, Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Urgent Competitive Revision Supplements on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) within the Mission of NIDDK" Not specified Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

OBSSR - NCCIH, NCI, NHGRI, NHLBI, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NINR, ODP, ORWH NOT-OD-20-097 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus and the Behavioral and Social Sciences Not specified 4/1/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDCR, NCATS, NIEHS, ORWH, NIDA, OBSSR, NIDCD, SGMRO, NICHD, ODP, NIMH, NHLBI, NIA, NEI, NIDDK NOT-MD-20-022 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Competitive and Administrative Supplements for Community Interventions to Reduce the Impact of COVID-19 on Health Disparity and Other Vulnerable Populations Not specified 12/30/2020 Not specified
NIMH - NICHD, ORWH, NIDCR, NCATS, NIDA, OBSSR, NCCIH, NINR, ODP, NIDCD, NHLBI, NIA, NEI, NIAAA, NIMHD, SGMRO, NIDDK NOT-MH-20-053 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 Not specified 12/30/2020 Not specified
NIDDK RFA-DK-20-021 - Mechanistic Studies of the Interaction between SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 and Diseases and Organ Systems of Interest to NIDDK (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Up to $250,000 12/17/2020 11-13
NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified October 26, 2020
per issuance of PA-21-049. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, NIMH, ODP, NINR, NIA, SGMRO, NIDDK, NIEHS, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDA, NEI, NIDCR PAR-20-237 - Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 12/2/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIDDK, NIGMS, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, OBSSR, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-016 - Emergency Awards: RADx-RAD Multimodal COVID-19 surveillance methods for high risk clustered populations (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NICHD, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, NCATS, OBSSR, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-019 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Data Coordination Center (DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NICHD, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, NCATS, OBSSR, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-019 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Data Coordination Center (DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIDDK, NIGMS, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, OBSSR, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-016 - Emergency Awards: RADx-RAD Multimodal COVID-19 surveillance methods for high risk clustered populations (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NICHD, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, NCATS, OBSSR, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-019 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Data Coordination Center (DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIDCR, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIA, NCCIH, ODP NOT-OD-20-121 - Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 8/8/2020 Not specified
NIDDK NOT-DK-20-018 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Urgent Competitive Revision Supplements on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) within the Mission of NIDDK Not specified 6/2/2020 Not specified
NIDDK NOT-DK-20-020 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Urgent Competitive Revision Supplements on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Related to HIV Comorbidities, Coinfections, and Complications within NIDDK's Mission Not specified 6/2/2020 Not specified
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
NIAID, NIDA, NIMH NOT-AI-21-057: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) HIV/AIDS in the Era of COVID-19: When Pandemics Collide 

Refer to

PA-20-195 and 


9/7/2021 Not specified
NIH, NIA, NEI, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMH, MINHD, OBSSR, ORWH PAR-21-213 - NIH - Emergency Award: Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research on COVID-19 Consortium (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 6/9/2021, 10/8/2021, and 11/9/2021 Not specified
NIH - NIAID, NICHD, NIDA, NCI, NEI, NIA, NIAAA, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NIDCD, NIMHD PA-18-935 - Urgent Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Urgent Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 1/25/2022 Not specified
NIMHD, NIAAA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NIDA PAR-20-310 - Health Services Research on Minority Health and Health Disparities (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/28/2023 Not specified
NIMHD, NCI, NIDA, NLM, ODP, OBSSR, NIMH, NIAMS NOT-MD-20-025 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Simulation Modeling and Systems Science to Address Health Disparities Not specified 5/8/2023 Not specified
NIH, NIDA, NIMH, NLM, NIDCR, OBSSR, NIMHD, NIEHS, NIAAA, NINR, NCI, NIAID, NIBIB, NIAMS, NHLBI PAR-20-238 - Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2023 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

NIDA NOT-DA-20-081 - Notice of Change to RFA-OD-20-016, "Emergency Awards: RADx-RAD Multimodal COVID-19 surveillance methods for high risk clustered populations (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)" Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIMH - NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NICHD, NINR, OBSSR, ODP, NIDCR, NIDA, NEI NOT-MH-20-058 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Digital healthcare interventions to address the secondary health effects related to social, behavioral, and economic impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, OBSSR, NIDA, NINR, ODP, NCCIH, NIMH, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIA, NICHD, ORWH NOT-MD-20-023 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified Not specified Not specified
OPPNET - NICHD, NINDS, NIMHD, OBSSR, NIDA, NIMH, NCCIH, NIAAA, NINR, NIA NOT-OD-20-103 - Notice of Additional Due Date and Additional Areas of Focus Especially of Interest of PAR-19-373 and PAR-19-384, "Research on Biopsychosocial Factors of Social Connectedness and Isolation on Health, Wellbeing, Illness, and Recovery (R01)" Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIDA NOT-DA-20-059 - NIDA Request for Information (RFI): Inviting Input on NIDAs Strategic Plan for 2021-2025 Not specified Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NIDA NOT-DA-21-011 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Effects of smoking and vaping on the risk and outcome of COVID-19 infection Not specified 6/5/2021 Not specified
NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIDA NOT-DA-21-017 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Medical Consequences of Smoking and Vaping Drugs of Abuse in Individuals with HIV and COVID-19 Not specified 5/5/2021 Not specified
NIDA NOT-DA-21-019 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Telehealth Strategies for Individuals with HIV and Substance Use Disorders Not specified 5/7/2021 Not specified
NIDA NOT-DA-21-018 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Long-Term Neurocognitive Consequences of COVID-19 in Individuals Living with HIV and Substance Use Disorders Not specified 5/7/2021 Not specified
NIDA NOT-DA-20-047 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Not specified 3/31/2021 Not specified
NIMH - NCCIH, SGMRO, ODP, NIDCD, OBSSR, NEI, NIDA, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIDCR, NINR, NIMHD PAR-20-243 - Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/3/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDCR, NCATS, NIEHS, ORWH, NIDA, OBSSR, NIDCD, SGMRO, NICHD, ODP, NIMH, NHLBI, NIA, NEI, NIDDK NOT-MD-20-022 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Competitive and Administrative Supplements for Community Interventions to Reduce the Impact of COVID-19 on Health Disparity and Other Vulnerable Populations Not specified 12/30/2020 Not specified
NIMH - NICHD, ORWH, NIDCR, NCATS, NIDA, OBSSR, NCCIH, NINR, ODP, NIDCD, NHLBI, NIA, NEI, NIAAA, NIMHD, SGMRO, NIDDK NOT-MH-20-053 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 Not specified 12/30/2020 Not specified
NIDA NOT-DA-20-084 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Effects of smoking and vaping on the risk and outcome of COVID-19 infection Not specified 1/04/2021 Not specified
NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified October 26, 2020
per issuance of PA-21-049. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIAID, NIDA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NIDDK, NIMH, NIAAA, NIMHD PA-20-248 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Fellowship for Students at Institutions with NIH-Funded Institutional Predoctoral Dual-Degree Training Programs (Parent F30) Not specified October 26, 2020 per issuance of 
(Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, NIMH, ODP, NINR, NIA, SGMRO, NIDDK, NIEHS, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDA, NEI, NIDCR PAR-20-237 - Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 12/2/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NICHD, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, NCATS, OBSSR, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-019 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Data Coordination Center (DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIDDK, NIGMS, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, OBSSR, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-016 - Emergency Awards: RADx-RAD Multimodal COVID-19 surveillance methods for high risk clustered populations (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIAID, NIAMS, NICHD, NIMHD, FIC, NHLBI, NIDA RFA-OD-20-023 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Predicting Viral-Associated Inflammatory Disease Severity in Children with Laboratory Diagnostics and Artificial Intelligence (PreVAIL kIds) (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIEHS, NIGMS, NLM, NIDA RFA-OD-20-015 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Wastewater Detection of SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) (U01 - Clinical Trials Not Allowed) Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIDCR, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIA, NCCIH, ODP NOT-OD-20-121 - Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 8/8/2020 Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIAMS, NIA, NICHD, FIC, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINR, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, ODP RFA-OD-20-013 - Emergency Awards: RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Optional) $7,500,000 8/8/2020 Not specified
For current information on NIEHS'sCOVID-19 funding notices, go to NIEHS COVID-19 Information & Grants of Interest post.
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.


NIAID & NIEHS RFA-AI-20-077 - Immune Development in Early Life (IDEaL) (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)  Not specified 6/5/2021 Not specified

RFA-AI-20-078 - Immune Development in Early Life (IDEaL) (U19 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) 

Not specified 6/5/2021 Not specified
NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NINDS, ORIP, NIMHD, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIAMS, NIEHS, NCATS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI NOT-OD-20-129 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Individuals with Down Syndrome for the INCLUDE Project Not specified 7/13/2021 Not specified
NIH - NIAID, NICHD, NIDA, NCI, NEI, NIA, NIAAA, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NIDCD, NIMHD PA-18-935 - Urgent Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Urgent Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 1/25/2022 Not specified
NIH, NIAMS, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS PA-20-247 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Senior Fellowship (Parent F33) Not specified 5/8/2023 Not specified
NIH, NIDA, NIMH, NLM, NIDCR, OBSSR, NIMHD, NIEHS, NIAAA, NINR, NCI, NIAID, NIBIB, NIAMS, NHLBI PAR-20-238 - Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2023 Not specified
NIH - NCATS, NCCIH, NCI, NHGRI, NIA, NIAAA, NIAID, NIBIB, NICHD, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NIMHD, NINR, NLM, ORWH, OSC PA-20-135 - Emergency Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Awards (Emergency Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2025 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

NIEHS NOT-ES-20-016 - Notice of Early Expiration of "Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the  NIEHS Worker Training Program Coronavirus and Infectious Disease Response Training (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Not Allowed)" Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIEHS NOT-ES-20-019 - Notice of Early Expiration of NOT-ES-20-015,  "Notice of Special Interest (NOSI):  NIEHS Support for Understanding the Impact of Environmental Exposures on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, OBSSR, NIDA, NINR, ODP, NCCIH, NIMH, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIA, NICHD, ORWH NOT-MD-20-023 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NIEHS NOT-ES-20-015 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): NIEHS Support for Understanding the Impact of Environmental Exposures on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified 5/4/2021 Not specified
NIEHS NOT-ES-20-020 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): NIEHS Support for Understanding the Impact of Environmental Exposures on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified 5/4/2021 Not specified
OBSSR - NCCIH, NCI, NHGRI, NHLBI, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NINR, ODP, ORWH NOT-OD-20-097 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus and the Behavioral and Social Sciences Not specified 4/1/2021 Not specified

NOT-ES-21-002 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Promoting Health, Safety, and Recovery Training for COVID-19 Essential Workers and their Communities (11/17/2020)

See PA-20-135  and PA-20-272

Not specified



Not specified
NIMHD - NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDCR, NCATS, NIEHS, ORWH, NIDA, OBSSR, NIDCD, SGMRO, NICHD, ODP, NIMH, NHLBI, NIA, NEI, NIDDK NOT-MD-20-022 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Competitive and Administrative Supplements for Community Interventions to Reduce the Impact of COVID-19 on Health Disparity and Other Vulnerable Populations Not specified 12/30/2020 Not specified
NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 23, 2020 per issuance of PA-21-047. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023 ) Not specified
NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified October 26, 2020
per issuance of PA-21-049. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIAID, NIDA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NIDDK, NIMH, NIAAA, NIMHD PA-20-248 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Fellowship for Students at Institutions with NIH-Funded Institutional Predoctoral Dual-Degree Training Programs (Parent F30) Not specified October 26, 2020 per issuance of 
(Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, NIMH, ODP, NINR, NIA, SGMRO, NIDDK, NIEHS, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDA, NEI, NIDCR PAR-20-237 - Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 12/2/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NICHD, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, NCATS, OBSSR, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-019 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Data Coordination Center (DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIEHS, NIGMS, NLM, NIDA RFA-OD-20-015 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Wastewater Detection of SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) (U01 - Clinical Trials Not Allowed) Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIEHS NOT-ES-20-014 - RESCINDED - Notice of Special Interest:  NIEHS Worker Training Program Coronavirus and Infectious Disease Response Training (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 4/25/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIDCR, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIA, NCCIH, ODP NOT-OD-20-121 - Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 8/8/2020 Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIAMS, NIA, NICHD, FIC, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINR, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, ODP RFA-OD-20-013 - Emergency Awards: RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Optional) $7,500,000 8/8/2020 Not specified
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIGMS  NOT-GM-21-050: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Urgent Award for Competitive Revisions to IDeA-CTR Awards to Address the Continued Need for Documenting COVID-19-Related Patient Outcomes Up to $2,000,000 6/18/2021 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

NIH - NCATS, NCCIH, NCI, NHGRI, NIA, NIAAA, NIAID, NIBIB, NICHD, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NIMHD, NINR, NLM, ORWH, OSC PA-20-135 - Emergency Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Awards (Emergency Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2025 Not specified
NIAID - NIGMS NOT-AI-20-040 - Notice of Early Expiration of Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), NOT-AI-20-030 Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIGMS NOT-GM-20-026 - Guidance for Cost-Related Flexibilities Available to Support of Competitive Research (SCORE) Award Recipients Affected by COVID-19 Not specified Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NIGMS NOT-GM-21-032: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements to SEPA Awards to Develop Innovative Educational Resources to Address SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Hesitancy ( Not specified 4/30/2021 Not specified
NIGMS NOT-GM-21-021 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Urgent Competitive Revisions to IDeA and NARCH Programs to Address SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Hesitancy  Not specified 5/8/2021 Not specified
NIGMS NOT-GM-21-031 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Urgent Competitive Revisions to IDeA and NARCH Programs for SARS-CoV-2 Surveillance Studies Not specified 3/3/2021 Not specified
NIGMS NOT-GM-21-019 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions for Modeling Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the Causative Virus SARS-CoV-2 Not specified 3/3/2021 Not specifie
NIGMS NOT-GM-20-025 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the Causative Virus SARS-CoV-2 Not specified 2/6/2021 Not specified
NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified October 26, 2020
per issuance of PA-21-049. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIAID, NIDA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NIDDK, NIMH, NIAAA, NIMHD PA-20-248 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Fellowship for Students at Institutions with NIH-Funded Institutional Predoctoral Dual-Degree Training Programs (Parent F30) Not specified October 26, 2020 per issuance of 
(Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NICHD, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, NCATS, OBSSR, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-019 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Data Coordination Center (DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIDDK, NIGMS, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, OBSSR, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-016 - Emergency Awards: RADx-RAD Multimodal COVID-19 surveillance methods for high risk clustered populations (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIEHS, NIGMS, NLM, NIDA RFA-OD-20-015 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Wastewater Detection of SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) (U01 - Clinical Trials Not Allowed) Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIDCR, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIA, NCCIH, ODP NOT-OD-20-121 - Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 8/8/2020 Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIAMS, NIA, NICHD, FIC, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINR, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, ODP RFA-OD-20-013 - Emergency Awards: RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Optional) $7,500,000 8/8/2020 Not specified
NIAID - NIGMS NOT-AI-20-030 - RESCINDED - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Not specified 4/8/2020 Not specified
NIGMS NOT-GM-20-027 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Urgent Competitive Revisions to Accelerate Research on the Development of Predictive Models of the Spread of SARS-CoV-2 and Outcomes of Potential Public Health Interventions on COVID-19 Not specified 5/6/2020 Not specified
NIGMS NOT-GM-20-033 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Urgent Award for Competitive Revisions to IDeA-CTR Awards to Address the Need for Documenting 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)-Related Patient Outcomes Not specified 6/19/2020 Not specified
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
NIMH - NICHD NOT-MH-21-225 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): COVID-19 Related School Disruptions Impact on Mental Health, Cognitive, Social, and Emotional Development of Children Not specified


See PA-20-185 

Not specified
NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIH, NIA, NEI, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMH, MINHD, OBSSR, ORWH PAR-21-213 - NIH - Emergency Award: Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research on COVID-19 Consortium (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 6/9/2021, 10/8/2021, and 11/9/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIAID, NIAMS, NCI, ORWH, NIMH, NINR, OBSSR, ODP, NHLBI, NIDCR, SGMRO NOT-MD-21-008 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research to Address Vaccine Hesitancy, Uptake, and Implementation among Populations that Experience Health Disparities Not specified 1/8/2022 Not specified
NIH - NIAID, NICHD, NIDA, NCI, NEI, NIA, NIAAA, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NIDCD, NIMHD PA-18-935 - Urgent Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Urgent Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 1/25/2022 Not specified
NIMHD, NIAAA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NIDA PAR-20-310 - Health Services Research on Minority Health and Health Disparities (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/28/2023 Not specified
NIMHD, NCI, NIDA, NLM, ODP, OBSSR, NIMH, NIAMS NOT-MD-20-025 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Simulation Modeling and Systems Science to Address Health Disparities Not specified 5/8/2023 Not specified
NIMH NOT-MH-21-120 - Notice of Special Interest: Administrative Supplements for COVID-19 Impacted NIMH Research Not specified 6/2/2023 Not specified
NIH, NIDA, NIMH, NLM, NIDCR, OBSSR, NIMHD, NIEHS, NIAAA, NINR, NCI, NIAID, NIBIB, NIAMS, NHLBI PAR-20-238 - Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2023 Not specified
NIH - NCATS, NCCIH, NCI, NHGRI, NIA, NIAAA, NIAID, NIBIB, NICHD, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NIMHD, NINR, NLM, ORWH, OSC PA-20-135 - Emergency Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Awards (Emergency Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2025 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

NIMH - NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NICHD, NINR, OBSSR, ODP, NIDCR, NIDA, NEI NOT-MH-20-058 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Digital healthcare interventions to address the secondary health effects related to social, behavioral, and economic impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIMH NOT-MH-20-061 - Notice Announcing the Availability of Common Data Elements for Research Related to the Public Health Emergency caused by Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIMH NOT-MH-20-061 - Notice Announcing the Availability of Common Data Elements for Research Related to the Public Health Emergency caused by Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified Not specified Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, OBSSR, NIDA, NINR, ODP, NCCIH, NIMH, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIA, NICHD, ORWH NOT-MD-20-023 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified Not specified Not specified
OPPNET - NICHD, NINDS, NIMHD, OBSSR, NIDA, NIMH, NCCIH, NIAAA, NINR, NIA NOT-OD-20-103 - Notice of Additional Due Date and Additional Areas of Focus Especially of Interest of PAR-19-373 and PAR-19-384, "Research on Biopsychosocial Factors of Social Connectedness and Isolation on Health, Wellbeing, Illness, and Recovery (R01)" Not specified Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NIA - NIMH NOT-AG-20-022 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): NIA Availability of Administrative Supplements and Revision Supplements on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Not specified 5/1/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIA, NIAAA, ODP, NIMH NOT-MD-20-019 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Competitive and Administrative Supplements for the Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on Minority Health and Health Disparities Not specified 5/1/2021 Not specified
NIMH NOT-MH-20-047 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for Mental Health Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Not specified 4/16/2021 Not specified
NIMH - NCCIH, SGMRO, ODP, NIDCD, OBSSR, NEI, NIDA, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIDCR, NINR, NIMHD PAR-20-243 - Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/3/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDCR, NCATS, NIEHS, ORWH, NIDA, OBSSR, NIDCD, SGMRO, NICHD, ODP, NIMH, NHLBI, NIA, NEI, NIDDK NOT-MD-20-022 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Competitive and Administrative Supplements for Community Interventions to Reduce the Impact of COVID-19 on Health Disparity and Other Vulnerable Populations Not specified 12/30/2020 Not specified
NIMH - NICHD, ORWH, NIDCR, NCATS, NIDA, OBSSR, NCCIH, NINR, ODP, NIDCD, NHLBI, NIA, NEI, NIAAA, NIMHD, SGMRO, NIDDK NOT-MH-20-053 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 Not specified 12/30/2020 Not specified
NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified October 26, 2020
per issuance of PA-21-049. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIAID, NIDA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NIDDK, NIMH, NIAAA, NIMHD PA-20-248 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Fellowship for Students at Institutions with NIH-Funded Institutional Predoctoral Dual-Degree Training Programs (Parent F30) Not specified October 26, 2020 per issuance of 
(Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, NIMH, ODP, NINR, NIA, SGMRO, NIDDK, NIEHS, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDA, NEI, NIDCR PAR-20-237 - Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 12/2/2020 Not specified
NHGRI - NICHD, NINDS, ORWH, NIMH RFA-HG-20-039 - Laboratory, Data Analysis, and Coordinating Center (LDACC) for the Developmental Genotype-Tissue Expression Project(U24) (Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 11/13/2020 Not specified
NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIDCR, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIA, NCCIH, ODP NOT-OD-20-121 - Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 8/8/2020 Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIAMS, NIA, NICHD, FIC, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINR, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, ODP RFA-OD-20-013 - Emergency Awards: RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Optional) $7,500,000 8/8/2020 Not specified
NIMH PA-18-642 - NIMH Administrative Supplement Program to Enable Continuity of Research Experiences of MD/PhDs during Clinical Training (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 7/2/2020 Not specified
//For current information on NIMHD's COVID-19 funding notices and archive, go to NIMHD's Funding Notices.
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For the NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIMHD NOT-MD-21-020: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements to NIMHD Awards for Research on HIV/AIDS in Populations that Experience Health Disparities (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional) ( Refer to PA-20-272  7/15/2021 Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NINDS, ORIP, NIMHD, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIAMS, NIEHS, NCATS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI NOT-OD-20-129 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Urgent Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements for Research on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Individuals with Down Syndrome for the INCLUDE Project Not specified 7/13/2021 Not specified
NIH, NIA, NEI, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMH, NIMHD, OBSSR, ORWH PAR-21-213 - NIH - Emergency Award: Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research on COVID-19 Consortium (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 6/9/2021, 10/8/2021, and 11/9/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIAID, NIAMS, NCI, ORWH, NIMH, NINR, OBSSR, ODP, NHLBI, NIDCR, SGMRO NOT-MD-21-008 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research to Address Vaccine Hesitancy, Uptake, and Implementation among Populations that Experience Health Disparities Not specified 1/8/2022 Not specified
NIMHD, NCI, NIDA, NLM, ODP, OBSSR, NIMH, NIAMS NOT-MD-20-025 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Simulation Modeling and Systems Science to Address Health Disparities Not specified 5/8/2023 Not specified
NIH, NIDA, NIMH, NLM, NIDCR, OBSSR, NIMHD, NIEHS, NIAAA, NINR, NCI, NIAID, NIBIB, NIAMS, NHLBI PAR-20-238 - Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2023 Not specified
NIH - NCATS, NCCIH, NCI, NHGRI, NIA, NIAAA, NIAID, NIBIB, NICHD, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NIMHD, NINR, NLM, ORWH, OSC PA-20-135 - Emergency Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Awards (Emergency Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2025 Not specified


Notices - Organized by most recent. These are official notices regarding changes, extensions, and announcements

NIMHD NOT-MD-21-007 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Research to Address Vaccine Hesitancy, Uptake, and Implementation among Populations that Experience Health Disparities Not specified 12/9/2020 Not specified
NIMHD NOT-MD-21-001 - NIMHD Withdraws Participation in NOT-MD-20-019 "Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Competitive and Administrative Supplements for the Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on Minority Health and Health Disparities" Not specified 9/30/2020 Not specified
NIMHD NOT-MD-21-002 - NIMHD Withdraws Participation in NOT-MD-20-022 "Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Competitive and Administrative Supplements for Community Interventions to Reduce the Impact of COVID-19 on Health Disparity and Other Vulnerable Populations" Not specified 9/29/2020 Not specified
NIMHD NOT-OD-20-121 - Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 8/8/2020 Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, OBSSR, NIDA, NINR, ODP, NCCIH, NIMH, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIA, NICHD, ORWH NOT-MD-20-023 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified Not specified Not specified
OPPNET - NICHD, NINDS, NIMHD, OBSSR, NIDA, NIMH, NCCIH, NIAAA, NINR, NIA NOT-OD-20-103 - Notice of Additional Due Date and Additional Areas of Focus Especially of Interest of PAR-19-373 and PAR-19-384, "Research on Biopsychosocial Factors of Social Connectedness and Isolation on Health, Wellbeing, Illness, and Recovery (R01)" Not specified Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NIMH - NCCIH, SGMRO, ODP, NIDCD, OBSSR, NEI, NIDA, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIDCR, NINR, NIMHD PAR-20-243 - Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/3/2021 Not specified
NIMHD NOT-MD-21-007 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Research to Address Vaccine Hesitancy, Uptake, and Implementation among Populations that Experience Health Disparities TBD 2/5/2021 TBD
NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified October 26, 2020
per issuance of PA-21-049. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIGMS, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIA, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIAID, NIDA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NIDDK, NIMH, NIAAA, NIMHD PA-20-248 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Fellowship for Students at Institutions with NIH-Funded Institutional Predoctoral Dual-Degree Training Programs (Parent F30) Not specified October 26, 2020 per issuance of 
(Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, NIMH, ODP, NINR, NIA, SGMRO, NIDDK, NIEHS, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDA, NEI, NIDCR PAR-20-237 - Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 12/2/2020 Not specified
NIMHD PA-18-935 - Urgent Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Urgent Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified NIMHD
Withdrawn on 10/14/2020 per
Not specified
NIMHD NOT-MH-20-053 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 Not specified Withdrawal Participation on 10/14/2020 per 
Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NICHD, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, NCATS, OBSSR, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-019 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Data Coordination Center (DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIAID, NIAMS, NICHD, NIMHD, FIC, NHLBI, NIDA RFA-OD-20-023 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Predicting Viral-Associated Inflammatory Disease Severity in Children with Laboratory Diagnostics and Artificial Intelligence (PreVAIL kIds) (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIMHD - NIA, NIAAA, ODP, NIMH NOT-MD-20-019 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Competitive and Administrative Supplements for the Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on Minority Health and Health Disparities Not specified Withdrawn on 9/30/2020 per NOT-MD-21-001 Not specified
NIMHD - NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDCR, NCATS, NIEHS, ORWH, NIDA, OBSSR, NIDCD, SGMRO, NICHD, ODP, NIMH, NHLBI, NIA, NEI, NIDDK NOT-MD-20-022 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Competitive and Administrative Supplements for Community Interventions to Reduce the Impact of COVID-19 on Health Disparity and Other Vulnerable Populations Not specified

NIMHD withdrawal participation on 9/29/2020 per


Not specified
NIAAA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-020 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Novel Biosensing for Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring of COVID-19 From Skin and The Oral Cavity (R44 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-017 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Screening for COVID-19 by Electronic-Nose Technology (SCENT) (U18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIAMS, NICHD, NIBIB, NIMHD, NLM, NCATS, NHLBI, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-021 - Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Novel Biosensing for Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring of COVID-19 From Skin and The Oral Cavity (Fast-Track STTR Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 9/19/2020 Not specified
NIMHD PA-20-172 - Long-Term Effects of Disasters on Health Care Systems Serving Health Disparity Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/4/2020 Not specified
For current information on National Institute of Nursing Research's COVID-19 funding notices, administrative supplements, go to NINR's Call for Researchers to Submit Supplement Funding Applications for COVID-19 Efforts.
For active and archived NIH COVID-related funding opportunities, go to the NIH COVID-19 Funding Opportunities.
For NIH Funding COVID-19 Updates Archive, go to NIH Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History.
NIBIB, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, NLM, OBSSR, ODP, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCR, NHLBI, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHGRI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIGMS, ORWH RFA-OD-21-008 - Emergency Awards: Community-engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations RADx-UP Phase II (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NLM, NIAID, ECHO, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, SGMRO, THRO, NIBIB RFA-OD-21-009 - Emergency Award: RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations (U01 Clinical Trials Optional) Not specified 6/7/2021 Not specified
NIMHD - NIAID, NIAMS, NCI, ORWH, NIMH, NINR, OBSSR, ODP, NHLBI, NIDCR, SGMRO NOT-MD-21-008 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research to Address Vaccine Hesitancy, Uptake, and Implementation among Populations that Experience Health Disparities Not specified 1/8/2022 Not specified
NIH, NIDA, NIMH, NLM, NIDCR, OBSSR, NIMHD, NIEHS, NIAAA, NINR, NCI, NIAID, NIBIB, NIAMS, NHLBI PAR-20-238 - Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/8/2023 Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

NIMH - NCCIH, SGMRO, ODP, NIDCD, OBSSR, NEI, NIDA, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIDCR, NINR, NIMHD PAR-20-243 - Digital Healthcare Interventions to Address the Secondary Health Effects Related to Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 3/3/2021 Not specified
NIH - NIBIB, NIDA, NIAAA, NIGMS, NCI, NIDCD, NIAMS, NIDCR, NINR, NINDS, NIA, NHGRI, NCCIH, NICHD, ORIP, NEI, NHLBI, NIEHS, NIDDK, NIMH, NLM, NIAID, NIMHD PA-20-251 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity) Not specified October 28, 2020 per issuance of 
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIH - NCI, NHGRI, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIMHD, NIBIB, NIA, NIDCR, NIAID, NIEHS, NIGMS, NIDCD, NICHD, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA, NINR, NEI, NIMH, NIAAA, PA-20-242 - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) Not specified October 26, 2020
per issuance of PA-21-049. (Original Expiration Date: May 8, 2023)
Not specified
NIMHD - NIDCD, NIMH, ODP, NINR, NIA, SGMRO, NIDDK, NIEHS, NICHD, NCATS, ORWH, NIAAA, NCCIH, NIDA, NEI, NIDCR PAR-20-237 - Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 12/2/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIA, NCCIH, NIDCD, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NICHD, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, NCATS, OBSSR, NHLBI, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-019 - Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Data Coordination Center (DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIAAA, NIDDK, NIGMS, NIMHD, NLM, NINR, OBSSR, NIDCR, NIDA RFA-OD-20-016 - Emergency Awards: RADx-RAD Multimodal COVID-19 surveillance methods for high risk clustered populations (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 10/1/2020 Not specified
NIA, NIDCD, ORWH, NICHD, NINR, NINDS, NIDCR NOT-OD-20-152 - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Availability of Emergency Competitive Revisions for Chemosensory Testing as a COVID-19 Screening Tool Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIA, NIDCD, ORWH, NICHD, NLM, NINR, NINDS, NIDCR RFA-OD-20-022 - Emergency Awards: Chemosensory Testing as a COVID-19 Screening Tool (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Not specified 9/16/2020 Not specified
NIH, NICHD, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIA, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIDCD, OBSSR NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIMHD, NICHD, NIAMS, FIC, NCI, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIA, NIDCD, NIDA, ORWH, OBSSR, ODP, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIAID NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 9/9/2020 Not specified
NIH, NIDCR, NICHD, NCI, NCATS, NEI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIAMS, NIDDK, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINDS, NINR, NIAAA, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, NIA, NCCIH, ODP NOT-OD-20-121 - Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations Not specified 8/8/2020 Not specified
NIH, NCI, NIAMS, NIA, NICHD, FIC, NCATS, NCCIH, NEI, NHLBI, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIGMS, NHGRI, NIMH, NINR, NIDCD, NIDA, NIMHD, ORWH, OBSSR, NLM, SGMRO, THRO, ODP RFA-OD-20-013 - Emergency Awards: RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Optional) $7,500,000 8/8/2020 Not specified

Non-Government Funding Sources

Pen American Center Pen American Center Writers’ Emergency Fund Up to $1,000 Not specified Not specified
New Jersey Council for the Humanities COVID-19 Response Grant Not specified Not specified Not specified
Institute for Humane Studies, George Mason University Summer Seminars Not specified Not specified Not specified
New Jersey Council for the Humanities COVID-19 Response Grant Total funding $75,000,000 Not specified Not specified
New Jersey Council for the Humanities COVID-19 Response Grant - Program Support Up to $10,000 Not specified Not specified
New Jersey Council for the Humanities COVID-19 Response Grant - General Operating Support Up to $20,000 Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

Idaho Humanities Council Idaho Humanities Council Humanities and COVID-19 Research Grants Up to $3,500 9/15/2020 Not specified
South Arts South Arts Resilience Fund Up to $100,000 7/24/2020 Not specified
Getty Images Creatives in Quarentine Prizes Up to $2,000 6/8/2020 Not specified
ArtsFund ArtsFund - COVID-19 Arts Emergency Relief Fund to help stabilize the sector with immediate relief grants for arts organizations negatively impacted by COVID-19 Up to $2,640,000 6/19/2020 Not specified
New York Foundation for the Arts Canadian Women Artists’ Award Up to $5,000 6/24/2020 Not specified
Chest Foundation CHEST Foundation and American Thoracic Society Research Grant in COVID-19 and Diversity Up to $25,000 10/31/2021 Not available
Chest Foundation CHEST Foundation Research Grant in COVID-19 Up to $25,000 10/31/2021 Not available
Stockton Rush Bartol Foundation Teaching Artist Micro-Grants Up to $500 Not specified Not specified
Medtronic Foundation Medtronic Foundation Grant Not specified Not specified Not specified
International Women's Media Foundation IWMF Emergency Fund Up to $2,000 Not specified Not specified
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator Seed Funding up to $125 million Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

Frey Foundation COVID-19: Health and Human Services Grants Not specified 6/1/2021 Not specified
The Peter and Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation COVID-19 Response Grant Up to $1,000,000 4/14/2021 Not specified
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Health Data for Action: (Data Access Award) Successful applicants will be given access to the selected data set at no cost to the grantee. No financial award will be given with these awards, which are solely for data access.Data access will accommodate studies of up to 12 months. 12/17/2020 & 4/25/2021 Not specified
Autism Science Foundation 2021 COVID-19 RESEARCH GRANT
(1st Round)
Up to $5,000 4/2/2021 Not specified
Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) Simons Foundation Maternal COVID-19 as a potential risk for autism: Supplemental funding for ongoing pregnancy cohorts Up to $400,00 3/12/2021 Unspecified
Water Research Foundation RFQ_5093 - Understanding the Factors that Affect the Detection and Variability of SARS-CoV-2 in Wastewater Up to $300,000 02/25/2021 Not specified
XPRIZE Foundation Pandemic Response Challenge $500,000 12/8/2020 2
Frey Foundation COVID-19: Supportive Affordable Housing Grants Not specified 12/15/2020 Not specified
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving COVID-19 Response Fund Not specified 12/31/2020 Not specified
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) Grand Challenges ICODA COVID-19 Data Science Grant Program $25,000 - $100,000 1/19/2021 Not specified
Greater Worcester Community Foundation COVID-19 Fund Grants Up to $50,000 Not specified Not specified
CHEST Foundation Advanced Chest Medicine Grants Up to $2,500 Not specified Not specified
Autism Science Foundation Autism Science Foundation - 2020 COVID-19 PIVOT GRANTS Up to $3,000 10/30/2020 Not specified
CHEST Foundation CHEST Foundation Research Grant in Ultrasonography and COVID-19 Up to $30,000 10/30/2020 Not specified
Russell Sage Foundation Social, Political, Economic, and Psychological Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic Up to $175,000 11/11/2020 Not specified
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation SARS-CoV-2 and Cystic Fibrosis Research Award Up to $125,000 10/1/2020 Not specified
Foundation for Women's Cancer (FWC) Diversity and Inclusion Health Equity Research Grant $75,000 9/21/2020 2
United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation NSF-BSF COVID-19 Rapid Submission Up to $200,000 Not specified Not specified
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation Special Initiatives Up to $25,000 8/21/2020 Not specified
Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo WNY COVID-19 Community Response Fund Build Back Better (B3) Initiative Up to $340,000 with total funding of $6,600,000 7/31/2020 Not specified
Russell Sage Foundation Social, Political, Economic, and Psychological Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic Up to $175,000 8/5/2020 Not specified
Rose Community Foundation Option 1: Jewish Life COVID-19 Impact Mitigation Grant Opportunity Not specified 6/5/2020 Not specified
AGA Research Foundation AGA-Takeda COVID-19 Rapid Response Research Award Up to $50,000 6/10/2020 Not specified
Frey Foundation COVID-19: Education Grants Not specified 6/15/2020 Not specified
Spencer Foundation Research Grants on education COVID-19 related special grant cycle Up to $50,000 6/8/2020 Not specified
The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Youth Sports COVID-19 Fund The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Youth Sports COVID-19 Fund Up to $25,000 6/26/2020 Not specified
Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts Regional Regranting Not specified 7/1/2020 Not specified
College of American Pathologists Foundation John H. Rippey Grant for Expedited Research Up to $50,000 7/1/2020 Not specified
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation SARS-CoV-2 and Cystic Fibrosis Research Award Up to $125,000 7/17/2020 Not specified
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Systems for Action: Supplemental Research on COVID-19 Response and Recovery Up to $100,000 7/20/2020 Not specified
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)   Engagement Award Special Cycle: Building Capacity for PCOR/CER for Topics Related to COVID-19 Not specified 5/24/2021 Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute COVID-19-related Enhancements Engagement Awards Up to $150,000 7/17/2021 Not specified
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute COVID-19-related Enhancements Research Awards Up to $500,000 7/17/2021 Not specified
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)'s Suicide Prevention: Brief Interventions for Youth $10,000,000 9/29/2020 1
TIAA Institute TIAA Institute Grants Program Up to $70,000 10/2/2020 Not specified
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute COVID-19-Related Enhancements Dissemination Implementation Awards

Up to $21,000,000
(Updated 9/2/2020)

(Updated 9/2/2020)

Not specified
Health Effects Institute RFA 20-1B - Air Pollution, COVID-19, and Human Health Up to $500,000
with total funding of $2,000,000
9/9/2020 Not specified
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Howard Hughes Medical Institute Medically Trained Scientists Program Not specified 8/11/2020 Not specified
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine Special announcement to support promising discovery, preclinical and clinical trial stage projects that could quickly advance treatments to COVID-19 patients in need. Up to $750,000  with total funding of $5,000,000 7/20/2020 No specified
FDA & Oak Ridge Associated Universities FDA Postdoctoral Fellowship on COVID-19 Vaccines Not specified 8/6/2021 Not specified
APHC & Oak Ridge Associated Universities  APHC-2020-0023 - Research Support Biologist Nor specified Not specified Not specifed
MRMC & Oak Ridge Associated Universities MRMC-WRAIR-2020-0015 - Clinical research physician: epidemic virus countermeasure development Not specified Not specified Not specified
TSL & Oak Ridge Associated Universities TSL-PostGraduate-Fellowships-2020-0001 Not specified Not specified Not specified
DOE & Oak Ridge Associated Universities DOE-EERE-STP-BTO-2019-1200 - Building Technologies Office Opportunity Not specified Not specified Not specified
DOE & Oak Ridge Associated Universities DOE-EERE-STP-HFTO-2020-1801 - Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Technology Office opportunity in Hydrogen Storage Not specified Not specified Not specified
DOE & Oak Ridge Associated Universities DOE-EERE-STP-HFTO-2020-1802 -Hydrogen Infrastructure Appointment Not specified Not specified Not specified
DOE & Oak Ridge Associated Universities DOE-EERE-STP-WETO-2019-5000 - Wind Energy Grid Integration, Cybersecurity, and Grid Reliability Services Opportunity Not specified Not specified Not specified
DOE & Oak Ridge Associated Universities DOE-EERE-STP-WIP-2019-1701 - Opportunity in Energy Efficiency Project Analysis  Not specified Not specified Not specified
EERE & Oak Ridge Associated Universities EERE-STP-HFTO-2019-1800 - Opportunity in Fuel Cell Research and Development Not specified Not specified Not specified
ORAU & Oak Ridge Associated Universities ORAU-COVID-19-5 -Health Administrative Support  Not specified Not specified Not specified
ORAU & Oak Ridge Associated Universities ORAU-COVID-19-8 - Public Health Professional  Not specified Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

CDC & Oak Ridge Associated Universities CDC-NCBDDD-2021-0082 - CDC COVID-19 Health Policy Fellowship Not specified 5/31/2021 Not specified
CDC & Oak Ridge Associated Universities CDC-NCHHSTP-2021-0077 - CDC School COVID-19 Mitigation Evaluation Fellowship Not specified 4/12/2021 Not specified
FDA & Oak Ridge Associated Universities FDA-CDER-2020-0569 - FDA COVID-19 & Other Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Fellowship Not specified 3/31/2021 Not specified
FDA & Oak Ridge Associated Universities  FDA-CDER-2020-0573 - FDA Qualitative Research Fellowship Not specified 3/31/2021 Not specified
FDA & Oak Ridge Associated Universities  FDA-CDER-2020-0588 - FDA Gut Microbiome in SARS-CoV2 Fellowship Not specified 3/31/2021 Not specified
Oak Ridge Associated Universities FDA-NCTR-2021-0004 - FDA Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Toxicology and COVID-19 Pathology Not specified 2/12/2021 Not specified
FDA & Oak Ridge Associated Universities  FDA-CBER-2020-0032 - FDA Postgraduate Fellowship in Molecular Biology Not specified 12/31/2020 Not specified
FDA & Oak Ridge Associated Universities FDA-CBER-2020-0041 - FDA Postgraduate Research Opportunity in Molecular Biology Not specified 12/31/2020 Not specified
CDC & Oak Ridge Associated Universities CDC-NCEH-2021-0021 - CDC Air Pollution & COVID-19 Epidemiology Analysis Fellowship Not specified 1/12/2021 Not specified
CDC & Oak Ridge Associated Universities CDC-DFWED-2020-0237 - CDC Informatics and Data Integration Fellowship Not specified 11/17/2020 Not specified
FDA & Oak Ridge Associated Universities FDA-CBER-2020-0040 - FDA Postdoctoral Research Opportunity on COVID-19 Vaccines Not specified 9/29/2020 Not specified
FDA & Oak Ridge Associated Universities FDA-CBER-2020-0035 - FDA Postgraduate COVID-19 Analysis Fellowship Not specified 9/24/2020 Not specified
FDA & Oak Ridge Associated Universities FDA-CBER-2020-0036 - FDA Postgraduate Fellowship in Molecular Biology of COVID-19 Not specified 9/24/2020 Not specified
CDC & Oak Ridge Associated Universities CDC-ID-2020-0169 - CDC Public Health Communications Fellowship Not specified 8/25/2020 Not specified
CDC & Oak Ridge Associated Universities CDC-NCBDDD-2020-0152 - CDC COVID-19 Data Analysis Fellowship Not specified 8/25/2020 Not specified
CDC & Oak Ridge Associated Universities CDC-NCBDDD-2020-0153 - CDC COVID-19 Health Policy Fellowship Not specified 8/25/2020 Not specified
CDC & Oak Ridge Associated Universities CDC-IDPB-2020-0139 - CDC COVID-19 Molecular Pathology Fellowship Not specified 7/17/2020 Not specified
CDC & Oak Ridge Associated Universities CDC-CPR-2020-0145 - C Emergency Risk Communication Research and Evaluation Fellowship Not specified 7/24/2020 Not specified
Alliance Healthcare Foundation San Diego County Responsive COVID Grants  Up to $25,000 Not specified Not specified
Alliance Healthcare Foundation 2020 Imperial County COVID-19 Response Fund Up to $50,000 Not specified Not specified
Community Foundation of The Ozarks COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund Grant Program Up to $25,000 with total funding of $1,000,000 Not specified Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin North Central Wisconsin COVID-19 Community Response Fund Not specified 12/31/2020 Not specified
State of New Jersey
Department of Health
PHLP21CHT - Expanding SARS-CoV-2 Testing in Hospital/Clinical Laboratories in New Jersey Up to $20,000,000 8/10/2020 Not specified
Minnesota Department of Health Minnesota Dept of Public Health Influenza Vaccine Projects 2020 - Project 1 Up to $15,000 with total funding of $220,000 8/14/2020 Not specified
Minnesota Department of Health Minnesota Dept of Public Health Influenza Vaccine Projects 2020 - Project 2 Up to $100,000 with total funding of $1,040,000 8/14/2020 Not specified
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation Special Initiatives grant program Up to $25,000 8/21/2020 Not specified
Women's Fund of Central Ohio Women's Fund of Central Ohio Immediate Impact Grants Up to $1,500 7/15/2020 Not specified
Community Foundation of North Central West Virginia YCF West Virginia Counties Emergency Impact Grants in Response to COVID-19 Up to $2,500 6/30/2020 Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Student COVID-19 Grants Up to $12,000 6/8/2020 Not specified
Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University Dissertation Writing & Research Grants for Harvard Univ Students Not specified 6/8/2020 Not specified
Pfizer COVID-19 Impact and SARS-CoV-2 Viral Lifecycle Up to $200,000 7/8/2021 Not specified
Pfizer COVID-19 Epidemiology Research Up to $60,000 with total funding of $240,000 7/25/2021 Not Specifed
Bread and Roses Community Fund Emergency COVID Grants to grassroots community organizing groups Not specified Not specified Not specified
AWS Diagnostic Diagnostic Development Initiative Not specified Not specified Not specified
Xsede COVID-19 High Performance Computing Consortium Service access
(see link)
Not specified Not specified
Cisco Systems RFP-20-04 - Pandemic/COVID19 Science, Technology and Social Impact Not specified Not specified Not specified
Fast Funding Fast Funding for COVID-19 Science Up to $500,000 with total funding of $40,000,000 Currently suspended Not specified


Archived Opportunities - We encourage you to click on expired links, if applicable, as some opportunities may have extensions or exceptions available.

Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) Complementary clinical trials: Expanding access to COVID-19 vaccines and rapid response to clinical development gaps Up to $140,000,000 5/28/2021 - Sponsor EOIs will be reviewed on a rolling basis as they are received. The call may be extended or amended depending on programmatic need and may be closed earlier in case the budget limit has been reached. Not specified
Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Patient Education: Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy Up to $100,000 2/10/2021 Not specified
American Lung Association COVID-19 & Respiratory Virus Research Award Up to $100,000 per year for up to two years 02/18/2021 Not specified
American Physiological Society Giles F. Filley Memorial Award for Excellence in Respiratory Physiology and Medicine Up to $10,000 11/15/2020 Not specified
Pfizer Pfizer - The Burden and Origins of Co-Infections in COVID-19 Pneumonia (Europe) Up to $250,000 10/5/2020 Not specified
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Gordon Bell Special Prize for High Performance Computing-Based COVID-19 Research $10,000 10/8/2020 Not specified
Social Science Research Council Just Tech Covid-19 Rapid-Response Grants Up to $10,000 9/30/2020 Not specified
Johnson & Johnson Nurses Innovate QuickFire Challenge in COVID-19 Patient Care Up to $100,000 9/29/2020 Not specified
Facebook The COVID-19 Symptom Data Challenge  $5,000 9/23/2020 5
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas Healthy Kids, Healthy Families® Grant Cycle (COVID-19 inclusive) Not specified 9/15/2020 Not specified
International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) The Lung Ambition Alliance - Junior Faculty Research Grants for the Study of Lung Cancer and COVID-19 Infection $50,000 9/15/2020 Not specified
Gilead Sciences Gilead Scienes COVID-19 RFP Program: COMMIT Up to $250,000 8/3/2020 Not specified
Pfizer Pfizer - Use of Biosimilar Agents in Inflammatory Conditions Up to $200,000 8/7/2020 Not specified
Microsoft Research AI for Health COVID-19 grants Total funding $20,000,000 8/10/2020 Not specified
Genentech Genentech Diverse Future of STEM Fund Up to $500,000 8/10/2020 Not specified
Pfizer Pfizer Improving Disparities in Rheumatoid Arthritis Health Care in Post COVID-19 Era in memory of Cinzia Curiale Up to $100,000 8/15/2020 Not specified
Alzheimer's Association Alzheimer’s Strategic Fund: Neuroimmune Program Up to $300,000 8/20/2020 Not specified
Pfizer Pfizer - Management of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) for Health Care Providers Up to $250,000 7/10/2020 Not specified
Bone and Joint Initiative USA Young Investigator Initiative Not specified 7/15/2020 Not specified
German Marshall Fund of the United States CORONAVIRUS FAST RESPONSE FUND - CALL FOR PROJECT PROPOSALS Up to $25,000 7/20//2020 Not specified
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne COVID-19 Related Research Grants on Education Up to $50,000 6/8/2020 Not specified
International Center for Journalists ICFJ-Facebook Training & Reporting Grants Program: Reporting on Refugee Communities Amidst a Pandemic Up to $1,500 6/8/2020 Not specified
International Center for Journalists ICFJ/FJP COVID-19 Reporting Grants for MENA Journalists Up to $2,500 6/12/2020 Not specified
Pfizer Pfizer Competitive Grants Up to $250,000 6/17/2020 Not specified
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Solve Health Security and Pandemics Challenge Up to $1,500,000  6/18/2020 Not specified
Gateway for Cancer Research  Phase I and Phase II treatment-based investigator initiated clinical trials treating cancer $400,000 to $600,000 6/22/2020 Not specified
Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract SSAT COVID-19 and GI Diseases Research Award Up to $20,000 7/1/2020 Not specified