Many content providers have offered free access to e-content collections to help you maintain online services during the COVID-19 crisis.
AccessMedicine can serve as an online safety net to help move your educational priorities and goals forward in spite of the real challenges posed by the COVID-19 outbreak. The informational distance learning resources listed below will serve as useful guides in making a shift from in-person to virtual classrooms. These documents may be shared freely with your faculty, learners, and staff.
Our VisualDx software system currently includes several images of the pulmonary complications of COVID-19. They include a series of chest radiographs obtained at and several days after admission, as well as on days 8 and 11 after the onset of illness. Bilateral fluffy opacities are present in both images.
We are actively sourcing additional images to help our users understand and visualize pulmonary complications. If you are a VisualDx user at an institution with COVID-19 patients, we would greatly appreciate introductions to your radiologists or attending physicians caring for these patients. We strive to include the spectrum of imagery.
VisualDx also includes regularly updated information and important links to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Earn 0.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ with each interaction in VisualDx Plus DermExpert when using your VisualDx personal account. This is a great way to recoup CME/CE credit that you expected to earn at now-cancelled conferences.
For the benefit of healthcare professionals, medical researchers, and the public, Elsevier has created a Novel Coronavirus Information Center with freely available information in English and Mandarin Chinese on the novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV, including new information about the recent outbreak in China.
The Information Center on Elsevier Connect, the company's public news and information website, brings together all relevant content from Elsevier's medical journals, textbooks, clinical experts, and other clinical information and medical literature.
The website offers open access to clinical resources and tools, including:
The information center was created by clinicians and other professionals at Elsevier and will be updated frequently with the most current research and evidence-based information available.
Recognizing the urgent nature of this crisis, the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses has identified a number of articles that have to do with treatment of COVID-19 and have made them available to all readers free of charge, regardless of your subscription or membership status.
COVID-19 Resources & Tools (Coronavirus Resources)
Wolters Kluwer's top priority is to protect the health and well-being of our communities and to arm our customers with the latest information available as the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation evolves.
To support health professionals working around the clock to meet those most in need, Wolters Kluwer is making the following COVID-19 updates and resources available - at no charge - for clinicians, nurses and medical researchers, in response to new developments, evidence and guidance.
Springer Nature is providing free access to coronavirus research.
Below are links to resources that we believe this group, and their partners, may find useful. We continue to update these, and we encourage you to get in touch should there be other resources that would be useful in supporting you and your partners:
During this COVID-19 crisis, Elsevier granted access to several hundred textbooks for existing ScienceDirect customers. Here is Elsevier’s announcement about this expanded access option:
If you scroll down the page to the Textbooks section, you’ll see this message with a link to the title list of available eBooks:
Textbooks on ScienceDirect (for ScienceDirect Customers). Elsevier has granted access to 256 textbooks for all active ScienceDirect customers (including journals customers who do not currently have book access. (If you need help or have specific questions, please reach out to your normal ScienceDirect sales and support contacts for your institution.)
Deep dive into Nature's coverage of coronavirus. As cases climb, what are some of the challenges involved in reporting on the virus?
BMJ's covid-19 hub supports health professionals and researchers with practical guidance, online CPD courses, as well as the latest news, comment, and research from BMJ. The content is free and updated daily.
Wiley is committed to ensuring continuity of service and support as organizations transition to virtual formats for work, learning, and research. Furthermore, Wiley is dedicated to assisting the research community to help minimize the impact of COVID-19 and has implemented the following:
Please share these new resources with your colleagues, faculty members, and students – we hope they will be useful.
In response to the outbreak of a new coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, Ovid® has created a dedicated site, featuring expert searches, a widget and a link to access GIDEON (the Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Network). We will be adding additional content as it becomes available.
EBSCO is providing off-site access to EBSCO resources for their customers, using a special username and password. Authorized UT Southwestern users may request the login information by contacting Library staff either by phone at 214-648-2001 or by email to
Note: This login information is not intended to replace VPN access. Multiple users can use this log information simultaneously.
Pronunciator's self-directed online COVID-19 language course in 101 languages (full list below) teaches vocabulary (e.g. "quarantine," "pandemic," etc.) and phrases (e.g. "I'm having difficulty breathing," "Is it an emergency?", etc.) relevant to the COVID-19 crisis. 90 home languages are supported.
The course is meant to assist both the general public and healthcare providers when communicating across multiple languages.
Each course consists of 142 instructional phrases, and is designed to be completed in 2 weeks of daily study.
To access the COVID-19 course as an English speaker, select "English (US)" as your interface language. Select the language you want to learn (101 are supported), and then select "Learning Guides and More." Click on "COVID-19 Essential Phrases" to access the course.
To access the COVID-19 course from a non-English home language, select your home ("I speak") language (90 are supported). Select "English (US)" as the language to learn, and then select "Learning Guides and More." Click on "COVID-19 Essential Phrases" to access the course.