Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology: A Systematic Approach, 10th ed. (ClinicalKey) by John F. SalmonProvides authoritative, focused guidance on the diagnosis and management of ophthalmic disorders and reflects the latest advances in the field, facilitating quick comprehension to enhance learning, aid exam preparation and guide clinical practice. Note: Users must register for and login to a personal ClinicalKey account to open a book chapter in PDF. (Due to publisher restrictions, some titles may not provide PDFs of book chapters; for those titles, only HTML full-text is available.)
ISBN: 9780443110993
Publication Date: 2024-07-23
Kanski's Synopsis of Clinical Ophthalmology, 4th ed. (ScienceDirect) by John F. SalmonDistills the key information from Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology: A Systematic Approach into a convenient, easy-to-follow volume. Perfect for quick reference, this concise resource contains "need to know" information highlighted by more than 900 high-quality illustrations and clinical photographs with clear explanations.
ISBN: 9780702083730
Publication Date: 2022-06-24
Ophthalmology, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey) by Myron Yanoff; Jay S. DukerProvides guidance on nearly every ophthalmic condition and procedure. Features new pharmacologic therapies and updated oculoplastic surgical techniques. Note: Users must register for and login to a personal ClinicalKey account to open a book chapter in PDF. (Due to publisher restrictions, some titles may not provide PDFs of book chapters; for those titles, only HTML full-text is available.)
ISBN: 9780323795159
Publication Date: 2022-12-20
Ophthalmology Secrets, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey) by Janice GaultProvides students and practitioners in all areas of health care with concise, focused, and engaging resources for quick reference and exam review. Offers practical, up-to-date coverage of the full range of essential topics and features the Secrets’ popular question-and-answer format that also includes lists, tables, pearls, memory aids, and an easy-to-read style. Note: Users must register for and login to a personal ClinicalKey account to open a book chapter in PDF. (Due to publisher restrictions, some titles may not provide PDFs of book chapters; for those titles, only HTML full-text is available.)