AcESO: Academic Enhanced Search Option (UT Southwestern)This link opens in a new windowAcESO: Academic Enhanced Search Option is the EBSCO Discovery Service for the UT Southwestern Library. Search the database system -- using both basic and advanced search options -- for all Library holdings, including electronic books, journals, full-text articles, digital images, and Institutional Repository content (i.e., theses, dissertations, academic lectures, posters, and presentations).
Databases A to Z (UT Southwestern)Lists all biomedical, academic, and general interest databases licensed by UT Southwestern. Use the drop-down menu to find subject-specific databases.
Ejournals A to Z (UT Southwestern)This link opens in a new windowLists all biomedical, academic, and general interest ejournals licensed by UT Southwestern.
Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) LoginILLiad is the electronic system used to request an item through Interlibrary Loan. The name ILLiad can be thought of as an acronym for "Inter Library Loan Internet Accessible Database".
Library Catalog (UT Southwestern)This link opens in a new windowLocate books, journal titles, and audiovisual material owned by UT Southwestern Health Sciences Digital Library and Learning Center. Search by keyword or exact phrase on title, subjects, series, or any field.
Special Collections & ArchivesThe home of UT Southwestern's collections of archives, artifacts, history of medicine journals and monographs, and rare books. Supports education and research using these unique collections.
UT Southwestern Institutional RepositoryThis link opens in a new windowThe UT Southwestern Institutional Repository collects, preserves, and distributes digital material pertaining to the clinical, educational, and research missions of the university. Collections within the Institutional Repository include UT Southwestern Electronic Theses and Dissertations, Library Publications and Presentations, and the campus Newsletter (1970-1976).
WorldCat (OCLC FirstSearch)This link opens in a new windowCatalog of books and other materials in libraries worldwide. Contains all the records cataloged by OCLC member libraries. Offers millions of bibliographic records and includes records representing 400 languages. A service of TexShare.
UT Southwestern faculty, staff, and students can use EndNote citation management software to organize their references and PDFs and to create and manage their bibliographies in MS Word.