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ScienceDirect Database Guide: Guide Home

Access Database

Coverage: 1995 to present

ScienceDirect® is produced by Elsevier.

Contains full-text journals in the life, physical, medical, technical, and social sciences.

Also contains abstracts from non-Elsevier core journals in the major scientific disciplines and the ability to link directly to full-text articles licensed through other science, technology, and medicine publishers.

Search Tips

Search Tips

  • The hyphen (or minus symbol) is interpreted as the NOT operator. For example: searching for "black -hole" will return results containing "black" but exclude any instances where "hole" appears with it.
  • Parentheses can be used when nesting clauses, so the grouping is clear. For example:For "a OR b AND c", enter "(a OR b) AND c".

Advanced Searching

  • MeSH terms are not required. Use keywords and/or natural language.
  • Proximity connectors are not supported at this time.
  • Wildcard characters are not supported at this time.
  • Stop words are not searchable. For a list of stop words, go to the ScienceDirect help page on advanced searching.
  • Both British and American spelling variants are supported. A search for "colour" returns "color", and vice versa.
  • Enter subscripted and superscripted characters on the same line as the other characters. To search for the chemical notation "H2O", enter "H2O".