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New / Trial Databases
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
BioCyc (SRI International)
This link opens in a new windowA collection of 20,050 Pathway/Genome Databases (PGDBs) for model eukaryotes and for thousands of microbes, plus software tools for exploring them. BioCyc is an encyclopedic reference that contains curated data from 146,000 publications.
BrowZine: Download Mobile Apps
This link opens in a new windowProvides links to download and install the Apple iOS, Android, and Fire OS apps on mobile devices.
BsubCyc (SRI International)
This link opens in a new windowA model-organism database for the bacterium Bacillus subtilis and is based on the updated B. subtilis 168 genome sequence and annotation published by Barbe et al. in 2009. Gene function annotations are being updated when new literature is available.
First Aid Forward: Step 1 (trial access through 11/2/2024)
This link opens in a new windowA digital study companion for USMLE® success and throughout your medical education that is regularly updated with revisions that ensure our resources stay aligned with USMLE’s current blueprint and objectives.
First Aid Forward: Step 2 (trial access through 11/2/2024)
This link opens in a new windowA digital study companion for USMLE® success and throughout your medical education that is regularly updated with revisions that ensure our resources stay aligned with USMLE’s current blueprint and objectives.
MetaCyc Metabolic Pathway Database (SRI International)
This link opens in a new windowA curated database of experimentally elucidated metabolic pathways from all domains of life that contains pathways involved in both primary and secondary metabolism, as well as associated metabolites, reactions, enzymes, and genes.
Featured Databases
The most frequently-used databases
This link opens in a new windowProvides the full text of medical textbooks, including many of the Lange Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment series. It also includes a searchable drug list with medication photos and costs and Lange's Self Assessment Tool, powered by USMLEasy. Users can browse each title's table of contents or search the full text. Clinical and basic science reference books feature an option at the chapter level to download full text to a personal digital assistant (PDA) or other mobile device.
This link opens in a new windowOffers a new approach to neurology reference, research, and curricular instruction and covers the entire spectrum of neurology from the basics to specialty-specific content. Helps students excel in their clerkship; assists residents in strengthening skills with instant access to procedural videos, self-assessment, and leading neurology textbooks that will establish a solid base for learning; and allows practicing neurologists to reinforce their medical knowledge for recertification.
This link opens in a new windowAccessObGyn is a comprehensive online ObGyn resource covers the entire spectrum of obstetrics and gynecology and may be viewed on any device. Updated regularly.
This link opens in a new windowUpdated regularly and optimized for viewing on any device, this comprehensive, content-rich online pharmacy resource allows users to explore leading pharmacy references, search curriculum topics, research drugs, and supplements. The site provides access to videos, games, Q&A, and leading pharmacy textbooks and allows practicing pharmacists to get information instantly about drugs, herbs and supplements, and consult features and editorials concerning the vast array of current pharmacy publications.
APA PsycInfo (APA PsycNET)
This link opens in a new windowA bibliographic database of scholarly literature in the psychological, social, behavioral, and health sciences. Includes more than 3 million references from journals, books, reviews, and dissertations from the early 1800s to the present. Provided by UT Southwestern and the UT System Libraries.
APA PsycINFO: 1806 to the Present (Ovid)
This link opens in a new windowCovers the professional and academic literature in psychology and related disciplines, including medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, and other areas. Includes references and abstracts to nearly 2,500 journals, as well as selected dissertations, book chapters, and books in the English language. Covers 1806 to the present. Provided by UT Southwestern and the UT System Libraries.
APA PsycINFO: 1987 to the Present (Ovid)
This link opens in a new windowCovers the professional and academic literature in psychology and related disciplines, including medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, and other areas. Includes references and abstracts to nearly 2,500 journals, as well as selected dissertations, book chapters, and books in the English language. Covers 1987 to the present. Provided by UT Southwestern and the UT System Libraries.
Bates' Visual Guide to Physical Examination® (Ovid)
This link opens in a new windowDelivers head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques for the (Advanced) Assessment or Introduction to Clinical Medicine course, featuring more than 8 hours of video content. Also includes clinical skills videos to help prepare for the Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs). Users may register and sign with a free personal account to access resources remotely for 90 days.
BoardVitals (for registered users only)
This link opens in a new windowRegistration required. BoardVitals is an effective and powerful online board review tool with the highest quality review questions to prepare for the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1, Step 2 (CK and CS), and Step 3, as well as the National Council Licensure Examination for registered nurses (NCLEX-RN). High-yield, vetted questions are listed up front in an effort to maximize study time, with 24-hour access from your phone, tablet, and computer. IMPORTANT: UT Southwestern faculty, staff, students, and residents may register for a personal account from computers within the UT Southwestern IP address ranges; any email address may be used to create the account as long as an on-campus computer is used the first time. UT Southwestern's BoardVitals institutional subscription does NOT include CME credit. Individuals need to purchase CME credit separately.
BoardVitals Registration (for first-time users)
This link opens in a new windowRegistration required. BoardVitals is an effective and powerful online board review tool with the highest quality review questions to prepare for the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1, Step 2 (CK and CS), and Step 3, as well as the National Council Licensure Examination for registered nurses (NCLEX-RN). High-yield, vetted questions are listed up front in an effort to maximize study time, with 24-hour access from your phone, tablet, and computer. IMPORTANT: UT Southwestern faculty, staff, students, and residents may register for a personal account from computers within the UT Southwestern IP address ranges; any email address may be used to create the account as long as an on-campus computer is used the first time. UT Southwestern's BoardVitals institutional subscription does NOT include CME credit. Individuals need to purchase CME credit separately.
Cabells Predatory Reports
This link opens in a new windowHighlights the deceptive practices that undermine quality research. It evaluates more than 60 journal indicators.
CAS SciFinderⁿ (Web version - for registered users only)
This link opens in a new windowCAS SciFinderⁿ is the latest scientific information solution from CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society. In addition to the reference, substance, reaction and supplier content found in CAS SciFinder®, CAS SciFinderⁿ includes relevance-ranked results, step-by-step procedures and protocols, citation mapping, biosequence searching, retrosynthetic analysis, patent landscape mapping, touch-screen enabled structure drawing and much more—all accessible in a simple, easy-to-use interface. Provided by UT Southwestern and the UT System Libraries.
Case Files® Collection
This link opens in a new windowProvides case content in an interactive format. Content includes basic science, clinical medicine, and post-graduate level cases. Users must have a MyAccess personal account.
CINAHL® Ultimate (EBSCO)
This link opens in a new windowIndexes more than 3,000 nursing and allied health journals dating back to 1937, with full text available for more than 900 titles. Includes Pre-CINAHL, which provides current awareness and citation information about recently published articles before being fully indexed (i.e., as articles are indexed, Pre-CINAHL records are replaced with complete CINAHL records). Includes access to Quick Lessons, Evidence-Based Care Sheets, & Continuing Education Modules.
This link opens in a new windowClinicalKey is a medical search engine and database tool that offers access to Elsevier's medical content. Includes a large number of electronic books, electronic journals, video-based procedures, and more. ClinicalKey replaces MD Consult and First Consult.
ClinicalKey for Nursing
This link opens in a new windowProvides nursing professionals with clinically relevant answers from Elseviers content, including evidence-based nursing monographs, books, journals, practice guidelines, and core measures with nursing recommendations. Access to ClinicalKey for Nursing is available to UT Southwestern nursing staff, faculty, staff, students, residents, and fellows through funding provided by UT Southwestern Nursing Services.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Wiley)
This link opens in a new windowThe Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews includes the full text of regularly updated evidence-based systematic reviews of the effects of healthcare prepared by The Cochrane Collaboration. Each issue contains new and updated reviews and protocols.
Cochrane Library (Wiley)
This link opens in a new windowCovers more than 12,000 high-impact journals in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities, as well as international proceedings coverage for over 150,000 conferences. Includes cited reference searching and Citation Maps (i.e., a graphical representation that shows citation relationships between a paper and other papers). Access is provided to the Science Citation Index Expanded® (1900-present), Social Sciences Citation Index® (1900-present), Arts & Humanities Citation Index® (1975-present), Conference Proceedings Citation Index: Science Edition (1990-present), and Conference Proceedings: Social Sciences & Humanities Edition (1990-present). Provided by UT Southwestern and the UT System Libraries.
The Cochrane Library consists of a regularly updated collection of evidence-based medicine databases including The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Cochrane Clinical Answers.
Covidence (for existing UTSW users)
This link opens in a new windowSoftware that assists with conducting systematic reviews by streamlining collaborative title and abstract screening, full-text review, risk-of-bias assessment, and data extraction. Note: This login page should only be used for users who have already connected their accounts to the UT Southwestern institutional subscription managed by the UT Southwestern Health Sciences Digital Library & Learning Center.
Covidence@UTSW (for users who have never connected to the UTSW account)
This link opens in a new windowSoftware that assists with conducting systematic reviews by streamlining collaborative title and abstract screening, full-text review, risk-of-bias assessment, and data extraction. This site provides instructions for new users and any users with existing personal accounts on connecting to the UT Southwestern institutional subscription, which is managed by the UT Southwestern Health Sciences Digital Library & Learning Center.
EBSCO Databases
This link opens in a new windowSearch a variety of EBSCO databases to find citations, full-text articles, and other materials using a standardized interface. Full text content in some databases may be delayed due to publisher restrictions for specific journals. Refer to individual journal descriptions for specific embargo periods. A service of TexShare.
Embase: 1974 to the Present (Ovid)
This link opens in a new windowTry Embase, an Ovid-based biomedical and pharmacological database, added to The Health Sciences Digital Library and Learning Center resources. Contains more than 31 million bibliographic records in peer-reviewed journals, including 2,900 unique titles not found in MEDLINE. Ovid offers a single interface to search multiple biomedical databases and full-text resources including MEDLINE and PsycINFO.
Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine
This link opens in a new windowCreated specifically for students, knowledgeable consumer health researchers and health care professionals, Health Reference Center Academic integrates tens of millions of articles from a wide range of full-text nursing and allied health journals, magazines, newsletters and select consumer health information sources with full-text reference works and thousands of health-related multimedia assets, all available 24/7 through an intuitive, state-of-the-art platform with daily content updates. Provided by UT Southwestern and TexShare.
Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HAPI): 1985 to the Present (Ovid)
This link opens in a new windowProvides access to information on measurement instruments (i.e., questionnaires, interview schedules, checklists, index measures, coding schemes/ manuals, rating scales, projective techniques, vignettes/scenarios, tests) in the health fields, psychosocial sciences, organizational behavior, and library and information science.
IEEE Xplore
This link opens in a new windowOnline delivery system that provides full text access to all of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and IEE (Institution of Electrical Engineers) transactions, journals, magazines and conference proceedings published since 1988 and all current IEEE standards. IEEE Xplore contains more than 450,000 full-text articles and papers in over 12,000 individual publications. Previously known as IEL Online. Provided by UT Southwestern and the UT System Libraries.
InCites JCR Impact Factors
This link opens in a new windowInCites Journal Citation Reports (JCR) provides data that helps evaluate research journals. To help compare journals and discover which are most relevant to a user's specific need, JCR can show the most frequently cited journals, highest impact factors, and most published articles in a field, as well as subject category data for benchmarking. Includes the JCR Science Edition and JCR Social Sciences Citation Index. Select a year to begin your search for information published in that year (e.g., selecting "2015" will yield the number of articles published in journals in 2015, the number of citations to journals from articles published in 2015, etc.).
Influuent Pure: UT Southwestern Medical Center Experts Network
This link opens in a new windowAn expertise profiling and research networking tool that helps users find researchers with specific areas of expertise for collaboration and enables researchers in your institution to demonstrate their activities to the global research community. Data is pre-populated with deep publication histories from Elseviers Scopus, which makes it easier to find experts and form teams within your institution and across organizations. Formerly called SciVal Experts.
This link opens in a new windowJAMAevidence combines three evidence-based (EBM) textbooks (Users Guides to the Medical Literature: A Manual for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice, 3rd. ed.; The Rational Clinical Examination: Evidence-Based Clinical Diagnosis; Care at the Close of Life: Evidence and Experience), as well as other educational tools for EBM training.
Lexicomp Online
This link opens in a new windowAn Internet-based platform delivering time sensitive drug information on an easy-to-use interface. It is an excellent resource for drug doses, mechanisms of action, drug interactions and adverse effects.
This link opens in a new windowProvides a wide range of evidence based information as well as access to English and Spanish patient education handouts. Features comprehensive drug details (DRUGDEX®), drug interactions (DRUG-REAX®), imprint code identification (IDENTIDEX®), toxicology and hazard data (TOMES®), identification and management of drug overdoses and toxicologic exposures (POSINDEX®), evaluation of human reproductive risks of drugs (REPRORISK®), and answers to IV drug compatibility questions (IV INDEX®).
NCBI Databases
This link opens in a new windowQuick links to the National Center for Biotechnology Information's literature, nucleotide, genome, sequence analysis, data mining, population, taxonomy and other databases.
Ovid Guide (UT Southwestern)
This link opens in a new windowThe following Ovid databases are available: Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HAPI), MEDLINE, MEDLINE in Process, OLDMEDLINE, and PsycINFO. Web access only.
Ovid MEDLINE 1946 to the Present with Daily Update
This link opens in a new windowCovers the international literature on biomedicine, including the allied health fields and the biological and physical sciences, humanities, and information science as they relate to medicine and health care. Information is indexed from approximately 5,600 journals published world-wide. Produced by the National Library of Medicine.
Ovid MEDLINE® Epub Ahead of Print and In-Process, In-Data-Review & Other Non-Indexed Citations
This link opens in a new windowContains records with the following possible status besides MEDLINE: Publisher, In-Data-Review, In-Process and PubMed-not-MEDLINE records from NLM. The Publisher records have recently been added to PubMed via electronic submission from a publisher, and are soon to proceed to the next stage, In-Process. This tag is also on citations received before late 2003 if they are from journals not indexed for MEDLINE, or from a journal that was accepted for MEDLINE after the citations' publication date. These citations bibliographic data have not been reviewed. The In-Data-Review records have been submitted to NLM electronically by the publisher, and the journal title, date of publication and volume/issue (source data) are being checked. The In-Process records are undergoing a citation level review; i.e., the author names, article title, and pagination are being checked. The PubMed-not-MEDLINE records have undergone quality review but are not assigned MeSH headings because the cited item is not in scope for MEDLINE either by topic or by date of publication, or is from a non-MEDLINE journal. These records are constantly changing. PubMed-not-MEDLINE records will not be added to the Medline database. Ovid receives records from NLM on a daily basis, however we are dependent upon NLM's update schedule.
Note: To search this database by keyword, users will need to deselect the "Map Term to Subject Heading" checkbox because the file does not include MeSH. Also, be aware that these citations have not gone through NLM's quality control process.
This link opens in a new windowPronunciator is a fun and easy way to learn to speak, read, and write in more than 100 languages. Includes live tutors, feature films, music with lyrics, pronunciation analysis, quizzes, and more! Also features ESL for over 75 non-English languages, plus free apps for Android, Apple, and Kindle Fire devices.
This link opens in a new offers a single portal for a collection of psychiatric references, including books, journals, and self-assessment tools. Resources supporting diagnosis, treatment, research, and professional development are included. The MyPsychiatry Online feature allows the use of special features like PDA eBook downloads, bookmarks, and saved searches.
This link opens in a new windowThe U.S. National Library of Medicine's database of peer-reviewed literature covers research in medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, allied health, and the preclinical sciences. Contains more than 26 million references dating back to the 1940s. Easy access to the Library's ejournals is available through a customized PubMed version, which may be accessed from the Library's home page. Off-campus access to this customized version is available through EZProxy.
Reaxys + Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry
This link opens in a new windowReaxys contains an extensive repository of experimentally validated data that chemists need, such as structures, reactions (including multi-step reactions), and physical properties and provides relevant data not found elsewhere, drawn from source publications carefully selected for their importance and relevance to synthetic chemists. The Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry component includes comprehensive pharmacokinetic, efficacy, toxicity, safety, and metabolic profiles, as well as tools for hit set assessment, including an interactive heatmap and bioactivity tables. Includes Beilstein, Gmelin, and Patent Chemistry Database content, as well as information on inorganic and organometallic substances. Provided jointly by UT Southwestern Medical Center Library and the Department of Biochemistry.
This link opens in a new windowContains full-text journals in the life, physical, medical, technical, and social sciences. Also contains abstracts from non-Elsevier core journals in the major scientific disciplines and the ability to link directly to full-text articles licensed through other science, technology, and medicine publishers. Includes Scirus, a Web search engine that focuses on scientific content only and searches both Web and proprietary databases for information that complements ScienceDirect content. Provided by UT Southwestern and the UT System Libraries.
This link opens in a new windowMultidisciplinary scientific database covering 25 million abstracts from over 14,000 titles across 4,000 publishers. Includes journal articles, patents, conference proceedings, and Web sites in the physical sciences, health sciences, life sciences, and social sciences. Covers journals from 1966 to the present.
STAT!Ref @ TDS Health
This link opens in a new windowSTAT!Ref is an intuitive full-text resource that enables users to cross-search evidence-based and authoritative healthcare references in seconds. With 400+ titles currently offered in over 50 healthcare disciplines, STAT!Ref provides the latest healthcare information in a customizable and convenient cross-searchable format. Provided by UT Southwestern and TexShare.
This link opens in a new windowPlagiarism Detection Software
UpToDate® Online
This link opens in a new windowA comprehensive, evidence-based clinical information resource, designed to give practical answers to clinicians at the point of care. Access is available for faculty, staff, students, residents, and fellows of UT Southwestern Medical Center, thanks to funding from the Office of the Dean, UT Southwestern Medical School.
This link opens in a new windowAn image-based differential diagnosis tool that is designed to help quickly identify diseases or conditions at the point of care. Includes more than 25,000 medical images and over 1,300 pediatric and adult conditions.
Web of Science
This link opens in a new windowCovers more than 12,000 high-impact journals in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities, as well as international proceedings coverage for over 150,000 conferences. Includes cited reference searching and Citation Maps (i.e., a graphical representation that shows citation relationships between a paper and other papers). Access is provided to the Science Citation Index Expanded® (1900-present), Social Sciences Citation Index® (1900-present), Arts & Humanities Citation Index® (1975-present), Conference Proceedings Citation Index: Science Edition (1990-present), and Conference Proceedings: Social Sciences & Humanities Edition (1990-present). Provided by UT Southwestern and the UT System Libraries.